
The HR role carries more advanced permissions. Aside from being able to add Tasks and Reports, they can also add 1-to-1s and Objectives.

View content that is made visible to them.

View, add, edit, and delete Tasks - and assign these Tasks to other users.

View their own assessments (Quizzes, Exercises, and Scoring rubrics).

View, add, edit, and delete Reports.

View and contribute to all 1-to-1s.

Add, edit, and delete all 1-to-1s.

View, add, edit, and delete Objectives.

View details for all users, teams (including standard hierarchy teams with limited access), and groups. This includes the ability to view secret teams

Add, edit, and delete users, teams, and groups.

Manage CPD module (allowing companies to easily decentralise responsibility for managing CPD)

View Social/Community Secret Teams

Add, edit, or delete content.

Add, edit, or delete assessments.

Login as other users.

Change the page design, settings, or integrations.

Make, approve, or update budget requests.


If you would like to know more about the different roles and their permissions (Learner, Admin, etc…) then please click here to read the full list.

If you would like to know more about the different roles and their permissions (Learner, Admin, etc…) then please click here to read the full list.