Why hasn't my employee received an email invite into the Learn Amp system?

Reasons why a person might not have received an email invite into the system.

This article will suggest some of the most common reasons why a person hasn't received an email invite into the system, even if a manager or admin as sent them one.

Incorrect email address

  • If you are the person sending out invites into the system then please make sure you have entered the correct email address for every user.

Email has gone to junk mail or spam folder

  • Please make sure that all users check their junk mail and spam folder, in case the email invite has accidentally ended up in there.

  • It is possible that the email could have been blocked by the user's firewall.

The user hasn't realised that 'Learn Amp' is the learning system

  • We send all emails to appear as though they come from your company, so the person may not have realised that they had to accept the Learn Amp invite.

The system is particularly busy

  • If our system is particularly busy, invites can get delayed and be put to the back of the queue.

  • This happens very rarely.


A second invite has been sent

  • If a second invite has been sent to the same person, the first URL invite will have expired.

  • In this case, the person needs to follow the link from the second invite.


The email has bounced

  • It is possible that the email has bounced.

  • Perhaps try to check whether other emails are reaching the user too.

  • If you have other steps and are still experiencing an issue, please contact the Learn Amp support team so that we can explore whether it is a bounce and re-send the email.


Contacting the Learn Amp support team

  • If you have checked all of these common problems listed above but your issue still persists, then please raise a support ticket.

  • In the email, please include the person's name and role (learner, curator, etc.) so that we can distinguish them. If possible, please also include the date they were invited and the number of times they have been invited into the system.