What is SCORM?

What is SCORM?

Learn more about SCORM.

This article will explain the basics of SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model).

What is SCORM?

It’s a method of communication between E-learning content and the Platform.

  • SCORM acts as a way of standardising content and software for eLearning products, via a set of technical standards.

  • SCORM allows online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to work well with one another. 

The benefits of SCORM:

  • SCORM is a tool which facilitates online training and the standardising of eLearning content.

  • SCORM allows content authors to have their content placed within a variety of different Learning Management Systems (LMSs). 


For more information, please read this article: https://scorm.com/scorm-explained/one-minute-scorm-overview/