Where can I view my saved reports?
Learn where to view your saved reports.
How do I find my saved reports?
Select 'Activity' in the top navigation bar.
Reports > Reports.
The reports page
How can I share a report?
Sending a report via email
What are the different features of sending a report via email?
How regularly?
Using this feature you can select to send a report on a regular cycle.
Daily: The report will be sent by email to the recipients every day.
Weekly: The report will be sent by email to the recipients every week.
Monthly: The report will be sent by email to the recipients every month.
Every 3 months: The report will be sent by email to the recipients every 3 months.
Sharing a report
You can also share a report within the Learn Amp system (rather than by email).
Please note: Admins and managers will be able to see different parts of the report
Admins will be able to see the whole report, while managers will only be able to see the content from members of the team they manage.
For example:
There are fifty entries in a report.
You are an admin, and you send the report to the manager of the Finance team.
The Finance team make up twelve entries in the report.
The manager of the Finance team will only be able to see those twelve entries for the twelve people within his team.
An admin will be able to see all fifty entries.