How do I use the Anders Pink integration?
Learn how to use the Anders Pink integration.
Anders Pink is a content curation Platform that aggregates content from millions of sources around the web. The integration will do all of the hard work for you, by scraping the web to pull in the best content which matches your search description.
Need to set up the Anders Pink integration? Please read our article here.
In this article we'll cover:
1. How to set up Anders Pink 'briefings' to pull in the best content.
2. How to approve (or reject) this content to go into your Library.
How to set up Anders Pink briefings
Step 1: Under your avatar in the navigation bar, select Integrations
Step 2: Select Anders Pink
Step 3: Select Add Briefing
Step 4: Fill in the form to add a new briefing
Step 5: Once you have created your briefing, you will find a list of all your briefings here
Please note that you can also view, edit, or delete your ‘Briefing’ at any time.
What happens next?
All items from Anders Pink are then pushed into the ‘Pending Items’ section.
To find this:
Go to Content > Manage Items
Under Actions > Pending Items
You can approve or reject content:
In the Pending Items section you can choose whether you would like to Approve or Reject content.
To find either Approved or Rejected content, you can do so by using the Filters here:
For any Approved Items, simply click the title to go to the Item - and from there you can edit the Item as normal.