How do I create a CPD scheme?
Learn how to add a new CPD scheme
This article will explain the creation wizard for a CPD scheme.
To add a CPD scheme go to Assess>CPD and click "Add CPD Scheme".
Fill in your CPD details:
Whom is it assigned to:
Team (only primary team members or all-sub teams).
Target: You can change the way CPD is measured in Company Settings>CPD.
Add formal/informal breakdown.
This option allows you to decide how much of your target comes from obligatory / optional content.
Target resets
With "Target resets" you can set a deadline for your CPD after which it will reset.
You can set it for a Fixed Date.
Or use the Dynamic option to adjust for new joiners. It will change the deadline depending on the date CPD was assigned to the user.
Is this CPD mandatory?
Use the checkbox to set the CPD as obligatory.
Allow learners to mark as complete
Checking the box will allow users to mark the content as completed with a sign-off and / or a mandatory reflection.