What different settings do Quizzes offer

What different settings do Quizzes offer

This article describes the difference between different options available when setting up Quizzes.

This includes:

  • Question types

  • Randomised vs Ordered

  • Pass score vs no pass score

  • Timed vs not timed

  • Deleted vs. Archived

Question types

Multiple choice

In a multiple choice quiz, the creator of the quiz can choose as many 'correct' answers as they want out of the options they create (but they must choose at least 1 correct answer).

For more detailed information on Multiple choice questions on quizzes, please read the following article

Drag & Drop

The Drag & Drop quiz allows your quiz to be more interactive. You can create drag items and drop targets. This is particularly useful if you want to have a quiz question which contains images.

For more detailed information on the Drag & Drop option, please read the following article

True / False

The creator of the quiz can add a question with either the answer ‘True' or 'False’

Yes / No

There is also an option to have the answers to the quiz question either be 'Yes' or 'No'

Randomised vs. Ordered


  • Questions in the quiz will show in random order for different attempts

  • It will not be possible to order them in any way


  • Questions will show in the same order as in the creator/preview

  • It is possible to order questions to logically follow each other

Pass score vs no pass score

If pass score is required, the quiz creator will have to specify the number of attempts allowed, the score % required to complete the quiz, and whether the percentage is calculated as an average of all previous attempts or for each attempt separately.

Timed vs not timed

Timed quiz will have an information about the total time and a counter at the top of the quiz to show the remaining time. Time is counted from the moment user clicks start the quiz on the initial screen.

Archived vs Deleted

To learn more about the difference between Archive and Delete, please click this link.