Learning Taxonomy
Cultivate a growth mindset by showing employees they are on the right track; give them a powerful, bespoke search linked directly to your skills framework!
Why do I need a learning taxonomy?
Providing your employees with learning content is great… but it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start. You need to show employees what’s in it for them and you need to make it really easy for them to engage.
That’s where the learning taxonomy comes in…
It allows you to categorise your content into Topics and Topic Categories that appear in the content search. This teaches your employees about the search space and lets them know what content is available at a glance, without overwhelming them. It also gives them a starting point, a route into their learning journey.
And the best bit is that the Topics can be customised to suit your organisation’s needs! And if your Topics align with desirable skills, your employees will have a clearer direction for their own development journey.
Win, win!
Great! How do I choose Topics?
First you need to know if you have an internal skills framework:
We recommend you align your Learning Taxonomy to any internal skills frameworks so you can be sure employee learning is driving business value.
Ok, I know what Topics I need… now what?
Head over to Company Settings.
Then navigate to Learning Taxonomy → Manage Topics. From here you can manage your topics and topic categories.
I’m all set up…how do I get content to appear in the Topics?
When you create or edit an item, you have the option to Add Topics. The Topic Categories will be assigned automatically based on the Topic → Topic Category relationship you have set up.
If you want to add Topics to content in bulk, you can do this with an Item Import, just head over to Company Settings → Items Import, download the template and follow the instructions. You can add Topics to each item in a comma separated list.
This feature does not affect the visibility of content. Users will only see Topic Category/Topic tiles if the associated content is visible to them
For example:
if I have visibility of an item called ‘Agile practices 101’ that is associated with the Agile Topic, I would see a tile for Agile
if I don’t have visibility of any content that is associated with the Agile Topic, then I will not see a tile for Agile.