


Harness the power of community and create safe, engaging spaces for learners to connect.

Image, the community social feed in Learn Amp.
Fig 1. The community social feed in Learn Amp


Why do I need a community space?

Self-paced, online learning in the workplace is great. It allows employees the autonomy to plan their own day and engage with learning at a time that suits their schedule. But it can often get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list.


Learn Amp's community space brings motivation and accountability back into learning, providing the perfect place for cohorts to discuss new ideas, work together on problems and have fun learning together. You can set up a course syllabus including scheduled workshops and assignments, create engaging Dashboards and enable a discussion feed to encourage interaction; familiar features from social media create a sense of psychological safety and encourage learners to interact with the content, and with each other.

Image. An example of a social post in a Learn Amp community. It has two 'likes' and one comment.
Fig 2. An example of a social post in a Learn Amp community.


Ok, great! Who should be in my communities?


We’ve seen two key use cases amongst our customers (so far!) that we are hoping to support with this beta feature.


  • Cohort-based learning

    • Cohort-based learning occurs when a group of learners move through a course together. The course could be a blend of events, self-paced learning, assessments and group tasks

  • Guilds

    • Guilds are can be groups of people with similar interests, or they can be set up around key areas of the business to support knowledge sharing from subject matter experts.



And how does it work?

Communities are built on our existing ‘Team’ architecture. You can create a community by clicking the + button in the top navigation and selecting ‘Team.’


From here you will be able to select the ‘Community’ type.

Image. A modal showing two options - to create a Standard (hierarchy) team or Community team
Fig 3. A modal showing two options: to create a Standard (hierarchy) team or Community team


Then you can start designing your Community Space.



We have given you complete flexibility over the tabs that appear in each community so you can create a space that is customised to be relevant for the members of that community. Below we go through each tab and discuss when you might want to use it.

  • Best suited for: Cohort-based learning and Guilds

  • The feed is the social area of the Community where learners can connect and share ideas in a much more fluid, unstructured way.

  • This is also a great place to encourage group collaboration on course assignments for cohort based learning

  • Post text, images and videos

  • Like and comment on others' posts

  • Best suited for: Cohort-based learning and Guilds

  • The members tab is great for learning more about the other members in a community and connecting with colleagues.

  • You can also click through to their profile to see more info and send a direct message (if enabled)

  • Best suited for: Guilds

  • The content tab displays:

    • Channels that are made visible to the team through the ‘selected’ visibility setting

    • Learnlists that have been assigned as a task, or are visible as part of a channel

    • Items that have been assigned as a task, or are visible as part of a channel

    • Quizzes

    • Surveys

  • Best suited for: Guilds structured around departmental hierarchy.

  • Keep track of all Tasks assigned to members of the community.

  • Best suited for: Guilds structured around departmental hierarchy

  • Keep up to date with the activity of your community members.

  • See activity from across all of Learn Amp.

  • Best suited for: Cohort-based learning.

  • On this tab you can store any important documents or instructions that learners will need to have easy access to.



Managers of a community will have the same permissions as a manager of a standard team. Read more here.



  • Recommended for: Guilds

  • Visible to all, including contents and anyone can join or leave as they wish.

  • Recommended for: Guilds and Cohort-based learning

  • Visible to all, to see contents you must be invited or apply to join.

  • Recommended for: Cohort-based learning and Standard teams

  • Hidden from public view, users must be invited to join.




Communities can also be part of your team hierarchy. This works best for Guilds that are structured around your organisational structure eg. a Sales guild for the Sales team. Communities created for cohort based learning are less likely to be linked to your hierarchy due to their more transient nature.



This is where you can pre-populate members of the community, but don’t worry you can still add more people after the team is created!


My community is ready to launch; how do promote awareness to learners?


We have two Dashboard widgets that will help you to promote communities to your users.


The All Teams widget will display all teams to your users so that they can browse and apply to join communities that are relevant to them. The My Teams widget keeps all of your user’s communities in one place for easy access.


Check it out by heading to a Dashboard and clicking ‘Add widget.’


Image. Two tiles showing the My Teams and All Teams widgets that are available in Learn Amp
Fig 4. Two tiles showing the My Teams and All Teams widgets that are available in Learn Amp




Yes, you can do this via the ‘Secondary teams’ field on the user import, or via a custom mapping in a HRIS integration.

Currently, our community feature is based on our ‘team’ architecture. If you are interested in using our community features with groups, please let us know via the product feedback form and tell us all about your use case 🙌

Admins can view/edit all communities. Managers of communities cannot edit the community settings, but they can add widgets to the Dashboard.

Admins can delete posts/comments created by other users. Managers of a community cannot edit or remove posts/comments.

Curators, reporters and learning designers do not have any permission associated with communities.

Yes, you can do this via Company settings. However, this option will only be visible if the new navigation and community beta features are enabled.