How-to: Use a CSV to invite users to the Learn Amp platform

How-to: Use a CSV to invite users to the Learn Amp platform

Answer: To do this:

1. Click on the + icon in the navigation bar and under ‘People' click ‘People'

2. Click 'Many user bulk importer’

4. You will then be redirected to a page to upload your csv.

Make sure to include a minimum of name, email and label the columns so that the system can easily identify them.

Please ensure your csv matches the template csv provided. We've added a downloadable template for you to help with the CSV layout

You can view this template by clicking:


5. You will then be asked to check that the columns in the CSV maps to the correct labels on Learn Amp eg. if you have labelled a column 'Primary name' then you will need to match it to 'First name'.


Any you don't match will be skipped.

6. You can continue from here to click through and select the options that fit your invite preferences then import.

7. To check the status of your invite, view the status column on the people page. You can also use filters to only show a certain status e.g. invite pending.