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Learn how


managers can set up their own Dashboards.

Please note that the ability for Managers managers to set up and have their own Dashboards is entirely optional. You can toggle this off, if you would not like this for your company.

This article will cover the following topics:

  • An overview of Dashboards for



  • Why

    can Managers

    must managers create their own


    Dashboards individually?

  • How can I toggle this on or off for our company?

  • What will


    managers see? 

  • I'm a


    manager - how can I add my own Dashboard? 



Dashboards for


managers - an overview:

  • You have the option to allow


    managers to create and have their own Dashboards.

  • This means that


    managers can create a


    Dashboard to view activity from their team, for example.

  • Manager


    Dashboards are set up

    by each

    by each individual manager, rather than centrally. (i.e.


    , at the moment, an admin could not create a standard "manager dashboard" that is available to all managers - but instead, each manager can create a


    Dashboard for themselves.)


Why can


managers set their own individual


Dashboards, instead of


admins being able to do it centrally? 

  • If managed centrally, the manager would only be able to see for ‘All direct reports’, rather than for specific teams.

  • If you trust a manager to get insights for their team, they should be able to set up their own




How can I toggle this on or off for our company? 

Please see below, to see how you can turn this off or on. Alternatively, click the link here to be taken to the page directly.

  • Go

    to Company

    to Company Settings.

  • Go to

    the Dashboards tab

    the Dashboards tab.

  • Then

    select Options

    select Options.

  • You will see the toggle here.



What will managers see when they create their own Dashboards? 

It is important to note that Learners that learners who are also Managers will managers will only be able to see data for users who are their direct reports. They will not be able to see other users' data, who are outside of their managed teams or direct reports. 

If you have this toggled on for your company, then Managers managers will see the following:


1. An option to Create to ‘Create new dashboarddashboard’ button at the top of their dashboardDashboard.Image Removed



2. They will then be able to select which Dashboard template they would like to start from.Image Removed



3. Select which widgets - which are filtered to only show data from users that they manage.Image Removed



What data will the widgets show for





Managers (who are also Learnerslearners) will only be able to see data from their own direct reports. When they select a widget, they will be able to see this option here:Image Removed




So, when there is a widget that shows specific users' data, they will only be able to see their direct reports.

In the example below, this is a screenshot from Jane Leydon, who is the Manager of the Marketing team, and has 3 three direct reports.

So, she can only see the "session data" from her three direct reports: William West, Tom McDowell and Louise Sadners - as she is the manager of these three users.

She cannot see any other employees' data.




I'm a


manager - how can I create my own Dashboard? 

If you're a Manager manager and you'd like to learn how to create your own dashboardDashboard, please read our full article on the matter here.

If you're an admin, you may also find it useful to read the article above to see the flow that your Managers managers will take in the platformPlatform.