Versions Compared


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Please note the following areas are still under development:

  • Auto-login access via Degreed


Content and Events Synchronisation 


titleScenario 2: Content shows as ‘Completed’ in Degreed but ‘Not completed’ in Learn Amp.

There are multiple ways this scenario could occur: 


  • The content was manually uncompleted by the end user in Learn Amp.

    • It is possible for a user to ‘uncomplete’ some content types in Learn Amp. This will correctly cause the integration to remove the ‘verification’ in Degreed. When this happens, Degreed shows the associated Required Learning as ‘Complete.

    • This means you will see a piece of synced content in Degreed marked as ‘Complete’ but marked as ‘Uncomplete’ in Learn Amp. 

    • As it is not possible to delete ‘completion’ in Degreed via API, we are unable to remove any inaccurate ‘completions’ from Degreed (we can only remove verifications via the API.) 


  • The content was ‘Marked Complete’ in Degreed by the user 

    • It is possible for the end user to ‘Mark Complete’ Courses that have been synced from Learn Amp. This will show the associated Required Learning as being ‘complete’ (NB. required learning will show as ‘verified’ when completed correctly on Learn Amp - see Defining Terms section above)

    • This is a ‘risk’ for customers that Learn Amp has no control over. For this reason, we recommend that customers use Learn Amp as the source of truth for compliance reporting. 


  • 'Require the user to complete this content again' was selected on a Learn Amp task

    • Learn Amp tasks have an optional setting called ‘require the user to complete this content again.’ If selected, it un-completes the content in Learn Amp; this is to allow for recurring tasks where users are required to complete the same content on a regular basis. 

    • If a user has completed content on Learn Amp (therefore now verified in Degreed), and is then subsequently set a task with this option selected for the same piece of content, Learn Amp will uncomplete the content, and the Required Learning will be marked as complete in Degreed.

    • As we are unable to remove ‘Completions’ via the API (we can only remove verifications) this is limitation in Degreed that Learn Amp cannot control.


  • Recurring tasks with the ‘require the user to complete this content again’ option selected 

    • Learn Amp’s recurring tasks cannot supported by Degreed as you cannot create two required learnings for the same user + content combination (see limitations + watchouts section)

    • But if a recurring task is set in Learn Amp with the ‘require the user to complete this content again’ selected, then when the task recurs…although a new required learning will not be created in Degreed, the verification will be removed, and the content will now show as complete in Degreed (similar the scenario above)




titleA required learning Why hasn't a required learning been created in Degreed?
  • The user/s and content outlined in the Task must also exist in Degreed for the Task to create a Required Learning.

  • Email is used to match users across Learn Amp and Degreed. If the email for the user does not match across both systems, a required learning will not be created.

  • If you assign a task to ‘new members’ of a company, team or group, then tasks are issued upon a user’s first sign into Learn Amp.

  • Please also refer to ‘Degreed Limitations and Watchouts’ section above.
