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Integration Summary

This integration allows for the smooth transfer of learning content, completion records, and tasks from Learn Amp to Degreed in one direction. Its purpose is to make it easy for users to access Learn Amp's learning content through Degreed and to view their training requirements and history from Learn Amp within their Degreed dashboard.

Key Components

Please note the following areas are still under development:

  • Auto-login access via Degreed

Content and Events Synchronisation 

Learn Amp supports the synchronisation of various content types and events to Degreed under specific conditions. This means new content created in Learn Amp, is created as a linked content object in Degreed.

Only content marked as visible to 'everyone' is eligible for synchronisation. 

 Types of Content Sent to Degreed:
  • Channels: Aggregations of content excluding other channels. 

  • Learnlists: Aggregations of various content types excluding channels and other learnlists. 

  • Items: Individual content pieces such as articles, videos, eLearning modules, etc. 

  • Events: Including all sessions, selected sessions, and unscheduled events. 

 Changing Visibility in Learn Amp
  • Content with visibility set to 'Everyone' syncs to Degreed. 

  • Changing visibility from ‘Everyone' to ‘hidden’ or ‘selected’ will mark content as 'obsolete’ in Degreed. 

  • Changing content visibility from ‘hidden’ or ‘selected’ to 'Everyone' triggers content creation in Degreed.

 Archiving content in Learn Amp
  • Archiving content in Learn Amp marks it as obsolete in Degreed.

  • Reactivating it makes it available again in both Learn Amp and Degreed.

  • Archiving content does not remove verification of the content (see ‘Defining terms’ section of ‘Completion, Tasks and Required Learning’ below).

  • Unarchiving ‘unsynced’ content that is visible to ‘Everyone’ will sync the content to Degreed.

 Items, Learnlists and Channels
  • Items, Learnlists and Channels in Learn Amp create corresponding courses in Degreed.

  • Mapped fields are limited to the title, description, and tile image.

  • The alt text for tile images is always set to null to be in line with accessibility guidelines.

  • Changes to these fields in Learn Amp are reflected in Degreed. 

Items that are part of Learnlists/Channels: 

  • All items that are ‘visible to Everyone’ will be created a separate courses in Degreed. This means that if such an item is part of a synced learnlist and/or channel, both the learnlist and/or channel and the item will be created in Degreed.  

  • Adding an already synchronised item to a learnlist or channel does not create duplicate courses in Degreed for the item. 


Limitations for other fields and settings: 

There are many settings for items, learnlists and channels that are not mapped to Degreed and/or are not supported by the integration. Some of these are noted below (not an exhaustive list): 

  • In Learn Amp, you have the option for the Learnlist tile image to be a collage of the first four item tile images from the Learnlist. This is not support by the Degreed integration. If this option is selected in Learn Amp, then the default image for the organisation will be used instead. 

  • The ‘set live date’ setting in Learn Amp is not specifically supported by the integration

  • The ‘Expiry date’ setting in Learn Amp is not specifically supported by the integration

  • Topics and tags are not mapped to Degreed.

  • 'Permission/who can edit' is not supported by the integration

  • ‘What you will learn’ is not supported by the integration

  • ‘Display added by’ is not supported by the integration


 Scheduled Events
  • A Learn Amp Scheduled Event + Session will create an Event + Session/Live Event in Degreed

  • Mapped fields are limited to the title, description, tile image, date, location, session start and end time + date.

  • The alt text for tile images is always set to null to be in line with accessibility guidelines.

  • Changes to these fields in Learn Amp are reflected in Degreed. 

  • ⚠️ When creating a Scheduled Event in Learn Amp that should be synced to Degreed, you must complete all steps, including adding at least one session (see limitations section)

  • Defining Terms

    • Learn Amp concepts:

      • Event:

        • a scheduled Event in Learn Amp can be associated with one or many sessions

        • there are two scheduled Event Types: ‘All Sessions’ and 'Selected Sessions'

      • Session:

        • a Session of an Event is something that a user can attend

        • Sessions cannot exist separately from an Event

    • Degreed concepts (please refer to Degreed’s documentation for official definitions and more detail):

      • Event:

        • an Event in Degreed seems to be multipurpose; it can record past events or it can be associated with one or more sessions/live events

      • Session/Live Event:

        • Sessions and Live Events are the same concept in Degreed. They are referred to as Sessions in the Degreed UI, but as Live Events in the API documentation.

        • Sessions/Live Events can be added to Events or Courses

        • Sessions/Live Events cannot exist separately from an Event


    Mapping Details:

    • If the location in Learn Amp is set to a link or Zoom/Teams/Google Meet link, then the location in Degreed will show as an ‘Online Session’.

    • If the location in Learn Amp is set to Map, then the location in Degreed will show as an ‘in-person’ Session.

    • Learn Amp Sessions that are synced in Degreed are always set as ‘Registration is available’ and the Degreed setting ‘same url as Event website URL’ is always selected. 


    Limitations for other fields and settings: 

    • If an Event is created in Learn Amp, but you do not complete all of the steps on the creation form (ending with ‘Done!’) then the Event could be created in Degreed with no way to edit it in Learn Amp. This is because the Event is created in Learn Amp before the ‘Done!’ stage.

    • The hours and minutes field in Degreed is not supported by the integration.

    • In Degreed, Sessions/Live Events that are in the past still appear on the associated Event .

    • Learn Amp’s ‘preset locations’ and 'free text' are not supported by the integration as Degreed does not support free text fields for locations.

    • Learn Amp’s Host field is not mapped to Degreed.

 Unscheduled Events
  • An Unscheduled Event in Learn Amp maps to an Event in Degreed (with no associated Sessions/Live Events)

  • Mapped fields are limited to the title, description and tile image.

  • The alt text for tile images is always set to null to be in line with accessibility guidelines.

  • Changes to these fields in Learn Amp are reflected in Degreed. 

Defining Terms:

  • Learn Amp’s Unscheduled Events do not have scheduled sessions

Completion, Tasks and Required Learning

Learn Amp supports creating Required Learning records in Degreed and the verification of content completion.

 Defining terms

Learn Amp:

  • Task: a task is Learn Amp’s mechanism to deal with mandatory compliance training. In Learn Amp, if content is tasked to a user, they will receive notifications asking them to complete the content. Learn Amp will flag if the user has gone past the deadline defined when creating the task.



Definitions taken from Degreed’s support articles.


  • Required Learning: These assignments come into Degreed from an external source and cannot be manually assigned or marked as completed from within Degreed. 

  • Assigned Learning: These types of assignments are assigned to you (or a group you are in) by another member within your organization 



  • Verified: Some content completions may be verified by a third party (such as your organization's LMS). Values include: 

    • Y: The content completion was verified by the third party, and a green check with the word VERIFIED displays to the learner on the content card in Degreed. 

    • N: The content completion is not verified, or verification status is unknown. 

  • Completed: Completed in Degreed.

    • [Note: We have also noticed this status occurs when Verification is removed via the API.]

 Mapping/syncing of Tasks and Completion

  • A Learn Amp Task creates a Required Learning in Degreed

  • The deadline set for the Task will be mapped to the Required Learning in Degreed.

  • The user/s and content outlined in the Task must also exist in Degreed for the Task to create a Required Learning.

    • Email is used to match users across Learn Amp and Degreed

  • Completing tasked content on Learn Amp will complete the Learn Amp task and verify the required learning in Degreed

  • If untasked content is completed on Learn Amp it will also be verified in Degreed, for that user.

  • Updating ‘complete by’/deadline in Learn Amp updates the ‘Due by’ date in Degreed 

    • Previous Overdue information is not kept in Learn Amp, so this is also not specifically kept in Degreed 

  • Events cannot be tasked in Learn Amp and therefore cannot be set as required learning in Degreed.

  • Events are marked as verified in Degreed when the Learn Amp Event is marked as complete. Please note that completion of an event in Learn Amp depends on the settings chosen for the event.

 IMPORTANT: Degreed Limitations and Watchouts

Degreed is not an LMS. As such, its compliance reporting is not capable of supporting many use cases that Learn Amp does support. This section explains some implications of these differences.

  • When ‘verification’ is removed via the API, Degreed shows the content as ‘Completed’ 

  • It is not possible to delete ‘completion’ in Degreed via API. 

  • As it is not possible to delete ‘completion’ in Degreed via API, we are unable to remove any inaccurate ‘completions’ from Degreed. 

  • As it is not possible to delete ‘completion’ in Degreed via API, Degreed is unable to support Learn Amp’s recurring tasks. If recurring tasks are set in Learn Amp then required learning reporting in Degreed will be inaccurate (see scenarios below). 

  • It is not possible to created multiple Required Learnings for the same user + content combination via the API, even if they have different due dates. 

  • As it is not possible to created multiple Required Learnings for the same user + content combination via the API, even if they have different due dates, Degreed is unable to support Learn Amp’s recurring tasks. If recurring tasks are set then reporting in Degreed will be inaccurate (see scenarios below) 

  • NB. This is different to the behaviour of creating multiple ‘Assignments’ directly in Degreed. It is possible to have multiple Assignments for the same content and same user. This is not possible for Required Learning created through the API. 

  • Learn Amp sends time and date of completion to Degreed, but it seems that Degreed removes the time from their side.

Tasks and Required Learning scenarios

Due to limitations in Degreed, we strongly recommend using Learn Amp as the source of truth for compliance reporting.

In the sections below, we have outlined some scenarios in which discrepancies may occur between the Learn Amp task and the Degreed Required Learning.

 Scenario 1: Required learning is ‘immediately verified’

This scenario can occur for multiple reasons: 


  • If a user has completed synced content in Learn Amp and is then subsequently set a task/required learning for that content. 

    • If a user is tasked/set required learning for the same, already completed, content, this will immediately show as ‘Verified’ in the Completed tab of the Assignments section in Degreed, and not the To Do tab - this is expected. 


  • If a required learning is verified, and a new task is set for the same user and content, a new required learning is not created and the content remains verified.

    • This is due to Degreed’s limitation on creating multiple required learnings for the same user + content combination - therefore this is expected behaviour.

 Scenario 2: Content shows as ‘Completed’ in Degreed but ‘Not completed’ in Learn Amp.

There are multiple ways this scenario could occur: 


  • The content was manually uncompleted by the end user in Learn Amp.

    • It is possible for a user to ‘uncomplete’ some content types in Learn Amp. This will correctly cause the integration to remove the ‘verification’ in Degreed. When this happens, Degreed shows the associated Required Learning as ‘Complete.

    • This means you will see a piece of synced content in Degreed marked as ‘Complete’ but marked as ‘Uncomplete’ in Learn Amp. 

    • As it is not possible to delete ‘completion’ in Degreed via API, we are unable to remove any inaccurate ‘completions’ from Degreed (we can only remove verifications via the API.) 


  • The content was ‘Marked Complete’ in Degreed by the user 

    • It is possible for the end user to ‘Mark Complete’ Courses that have been synced from Learn Amp. This will show the associated Required Learning as being ‘complete’ (NB. required learning will show as ‘verified’ when completed correctly on Learn Amp - see Defining Terms section above)

    • This is a ‘risk’ for customers that Learn Amp has no control over. For this reason, we recommend that customers use Learn Amp as the source of truth for compliance reporting. 


  • 'Require the user to complete this content again' was selected on a Learn Amp task

    • Learn Amp tasks have an optional setting called ‘require the user to complete this content again.’ If selected, it un-completes the content in Learn Amp; this is to allow for recurring tasks where users are required to complete the same content on a regular basis. 

    • If a user has completed content on Learn Amp (therefore now verified in Degreed), and is then subsequently set a task with this option selected for the same piece of content, Learn Amp will uncomplete the content, and the Required Learning will be marked as complete in Degreed.

    • As we are unable to remove ‘Completions’ via the API (we can only remove verifications) this is limitation in Degreed that Learn Amp cannot control.


  • Recurring tasks with the ‘require the user to complete this content again’ option selected 

    • Learn Amp’s recurring tasks cannot supported by Degreed as you cannot create two required learnings for the same user + content combination (see limitations + watchouts section)

    • But if a recurring task is set in Learn Amp with the ‘require the user to complete this content again’ selected, then when the task recurs…although a new required learning will not be created in Degreed, the verification will be removed, and the content will now show as complete in Degreed (similar the scenario above)



 A required learning hasn't been created in Degreed
  • The user/s and content outlined in the Task must also exist in Degreed for the Task to create a Required Learning.

  • Email is used to match users across Learn Amp and Degreed. If the email for the user does not match across both systems, a required learning will not be created.

  • Please also refer to ‘Degreed Limitations and Watchouts’ section above.

 How often is data synced?

Data syncs are usually instant. Learn Amp syncs data to Degreed immediately after a create/update/delete event as a ‘background job.’

There is a small possibility that the sync could take slightly longer if the background job queue is busy.

It is also possible that this could be delayed from the Degreed side, especially for Learn Amp’s batch actions. This is due to Degreed limiting the number of calls a single API client can make to 70 requests per minute (rpm).

 I’ve unarchived the only session on a Learn Amp Event, but I can’t see the Event or live event in Degreed
  • The only way to unarchive an Event in Learn Amp is via the 3 pips on the View Event page

  • If you have unarchived the Event Session from the Manage Event page in Learn Amp, you will then have to Unarchive the Event itself from the View Event page to see the Event + Live Event in Degreed 

  • This is due to a bug in Learn Amp. 

  • Once this bug is fixed, it is likely that unarchiving a session of an Event will unarchive the Event as well. 

  • This bug is not yet prioritised to be fixed. 

 What happens to Required Learning when an item is archived?

Learn Amp’s logic is reflected in Degreed.


The above may vary for library content or content from integrations.

 What happens to Required Learning if an item is hidden?

Learn Amp’s logic is reflected in Degreed.

NB. if a user has previously verified the now archived item and they click on the item link from their required learning tab, they will see an ‘access denied’ message in Learn Amp - this is expected.


The above may vary for library content or content from integrations.

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