Learn about how to confirm attendance for Events for users.
When you set up an eventEvent, on Step on Step 3 - Enrolment you Enrolment you will notice that there are different options to enrol someone to an eventEvent.
This article will take you through the second option - which is where Learners where learners confirm attendance.
However, Admins admins can also still mark still mark as attended if needs be.
This means that all that all users will be marked as attended once the event Event has finished.
Learner confirms attendance
In this case, learners will be sent an email and asked to confirm their attendance.
What will this look like to a Learner?
All learners who were enrolled in the
eventEvent will get an email to confirm their attendance.
In this email, they will have the option to
say yes or nosay yes or no to confirm.
As an example, the email will look like this:
When they press on
the Yesthe Yes button, they will get led into the site.
They will then see a pop-up which will let them know that their attendance was successfully marked:
They will also have an option, within the
platformPlatform, to
press yes or no topress yes or no to show whether they attended or not.
What will this look like on the Event enrolment page?
You'll be able to see which Learners learners have pressed to confirm their attendance or not.
For example:
We can see that Amelia Simpson and Allie Abbott have
successfully confirmedsuccessfully confirmed their attendance, either via email or via the
However, Alexander Reid has not.
What if I want to mark some users as having attended, after the
You can still mark still mark as attended this event Event for users, even if they did not sign up for the event Event in the first place.
Step 1) Select Batch : Select Batch Enrol
Step 2) : Find the users that you would like to enrol
Once you've enrolled them, you will see them showing up as Status - Approved, e.g. Approved, for example:
Step 3) : Ensure that you are on the Event the Event session page and page and that it's the right event Event session
Step 4) Select Mark as complete for these : Select ‘Mark as complete’ for these users
Step 5) : You will now see that Amy Granger has that Amy Granger has been marked as attendedas attended