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Below is a summary of each widget to describe in more detail what they do.

'Learn' widgets:

  • Most completed content: View what content has been most completed across the account. Can be filtered to also show most ‘started’, ‘clicked’ or ‘viewed’.

  • Quick search: Airbnb style search bar which can be filtered by type and duration to, for example, find a ‘Health & Wellness’ ‘Video’ ‘5-10 minutes’. This then links directly to the library where filters are applied.

  • Assigned Channels: This is a collection of all the Channels assigned to a specific user. Assigned channels are any tasked Channels.

  • Visible Channels: This is any other Channels made visible to the user.

  • Highest rated content: Shows which content has the highest average star rating across the account, also showing how many users have rated.

  • Upcoming Events: Viewing of Events for a user that are coming up over X period of time. These show how far away the Events are e.g., 3 days, the title, time + date and location.

  • Upcoming Tasks: Viewing of Tasks for a user that are coming up over X period of time. Shows how far away the due date is as well as showing if the Task is overdue.

  • Most popular content: See the most popular content across the account. This can be filtered to show by top tags (e.g., negotiation), top types (e.g., video) or supplier (e.g., Udemy).

  • Shared with you: Shows any content shared with the user viewing.

  • Newly added content: Content that has been added to any library or content added by the company, within the period defined, that is also visible to the user.

  • Event enrollments & attendance: See over a period of time, what % of those who have enrolled for Events actually attended.

  • Assigned vs. Discovered: Understand what users within your account are completing most. Whether it is content that they’ve been set as Tasks, or content they’re finding from the Library.

  • Bookmarked content: Any content that the user has bookmarked.

  • Featured video: Display a video widget for a video you love. This could be something like a TED Talk that explains one of your values or a message from the CEO.

  • Recommended for you: A Channel of recommended content from the companies broader ‘library’ (may include their own content, paid for libraries or the Learn Amp Library).

  • To do list: A Channel of any upcoming time-based activities. It is possible to select whether this includes ‘Tasks’, ‘Events’, ‘1-to-1s’ or ‘Surveys’.

  • My Learnlists: A collection of any Learnlists that the user has added themselves. Includes a CTA to add new Learnlists.

  • Comparison report: See completion of content in a grid format. For example if you select a specific Learnlist, you can see who in a team has completed all Items, or which Items they’ve completed.
