Widgets Overview

Widgets Overview

Below is a summary of each widget to describe in more detail what they do.


'Learn' widgets:

  • Most completed content: View what content has been most completed across the account. Can be filtered to also show most ‘started’, ‘clicked’ or ‘viewed’.

  • Quick search: Airbnb style search bar which can be filtered by type and duration to, for example, find a ‘Health & Wellness’ ‘Video’ ‘5-10 minutes’. This then links directly to the library where filters are applied.

  • Assigned Channels: This is a collection of all the Channels assigned to a specific user. Assigned channels are any tasked Channels.

  • Visible Channels: This is any other Channels made visible to the user.

  • Highest rated content: Shows which content has the highest average star rating across the account, also showing how many users have rated.

  • Upcoming Events: Viewing of Events for a user that are coming up over X period of time. These show how far away the Events are e.g., 3 days, the title, time + date and location.

  • Upcoming Tasks: Viewing of Tasks for a user that are coming up over X period of time. Shows how far away the due date is as well as showing if the Task is overdue.

  • Most popular content: See the most popular content across the account. This can be filtered to show by top tags (e.g., negotiation), top types (e.g., video) or supplier (e.g., Udemy).

  • Shared with you: Shows any content shared with the user viewing.

  • Newly added content: Content that has been added to any library or content added by the company, within the period defined, that is also visible to the user.

  • Event enrollments & attendance: See over a period of time, what % of those who have enrolled for Events actually attended.

  • Assigned vs. Discovered: Understand what users within your account are completing most. Whether it is content that they’ve been set as Tasks, or content they’re finding from the Library.

  • Bookmarked content: Any content that the user has bookmarked.

  • Featured video: Display a video widget for a video you love. This could be something like a TED Talk that explains one of your values or a message from the CEO.

  • Recommended for you: A Channel of recommended content from the companies broader ‘library’ (may include their own content, paid for libraries or the Learn Amp Library).

  • To do list: A Channel of any upcoming time-based activities. It is possible to select whether this includes ‘Tasks’, ‘Events’, ‘1-to-1s’ or ‘Surveys’.

  • My Learnlists: A collection of any Learnlists that the user has added themselves. Includes a CTA to add new Learnlists.

  • Comparison report: See completion of content in a grid format. For example if you select a specific Learnlist, you can see who in a team has completed all Items, or which Items they’ve completed.


‘Connect’ widgets:

  • Most Q&A answers: When users ask questions about content, it is important that they get answers to unblock them and drive engagement. This widget highlights who is providing the most answers.

  • Most discussion posts: Who in the account is posting the most discussion threads? Discussion drives further comments, which then drives engagement which is beneficial for the company.

  • Recent Q&A posts: At the moment, if you post a question you can only return to the thread if you find the content again. This widget allows users to find and link in to Q&A posts they’ve made or commented on.

  • Recent discussion posts: As above, this allows users to find discussion posts they have created or are part of easily.

  • Recent messages: As above, this allows users to find recent message threads to return to.

  • Total shares: How much content is being shared within the account. This allows the business to try to drive this behaviour.

  • Total Q&A posts created: As above, this allows the business to track whether people are engaging with the Q&A tool, by totalling up the number of Q&A posts.

  • Total Discussion posts: As above, this allows the business to track whether people are engaging with the Discussion tool, by totalling up the number of Discussion posts.

  • Recent announcements: In the site we have a ‘Blast notification’ tool which can be used to create company-widget announcements via the notification tool for example, ‘Quarterly social this Friday! Book in here’. This pulls all announcements into a widget.


‘Perform’ widgets:

  • Objectives report collection: Includes the current period for Objectives, the overall % completion and the breakdown of completed, in progress, and not yet achieved.

  • Objectives breakdown: One of the ‘Objectives report collection’ reports which shows the breakdown of completed, in progress and not yet achieved.

  • Objective progress chart: Plots a ‘perfect’ line from 0-100% completion over the period. Another line is then plotted to show the ‘actual’ progress so that you can see if the team look likely to achieve their Objectives and can adjust course.

  • 1-to-1 completion: Shows the overall completion of 1-to-1s.

  • 1-to-1 completion by teams: Helps you to diagnose who might be a ‘problem team’ by showing completion of 1-to-1s by team.

  • Objective status: Users can add a ‘flag’ to Objectives to say whether they are ‘At risk’ (of not hitting their objective), ‘Behind’ (may need some help), ‘On target’ or ‘Completed’. This report shows a breakdown so that you can work out whether you need to intervene.

  • My Objectives: Shows the user their own current Objectives and their progress through them.

  • Objective progress by teams: Compare progress through Objectives by team, to work out whether you need to reach out to the manager of a team, or its individuals to drive more activity.


‘Engagement data’ widgets:


  • Learner added Items: See how many Items learners have added via the ‘Self-add’ functionality. Helps the management team promote more users to use the functionality.

  • Days active: See which days and times within the week are the most active, over a specific period. This helps trainers and management understand when is best to send out comms., assign Tasks etc.

  • Average session length: See how long on average that users are in the system. If this starts trending up, you can see users are more engaged (assuming they are doing the right activities).

  • Average time spent: This is an average across all sessions, all users. So again, if this is trending up you know that engagement is going up.

  • Sessions over time: See how often your learners are active in the system over the period of time.

  • Most sessions: See a leaderboard of those who have the most Platform sessions. Spot those leading and give them a shout-out, or give those who are not as engaged a nudge to check in more often.

  • User invites accepted: Show the proportion of users who have or haven’t accepted their invitation email. Users who aren’t in the system can’t engage – so this gives companies controls to re-invite users.

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