What different widgets are there?
This article briefly outlines the different widgets that come with each package. To find out how to access your active widgets then click here.
What different widgets are there?
Each package has its own set of widgets. For example, if you have a ‘learn and connect’ package, then you will have access to all of the ‘learn’ widgets as well as, the ‘connect’ widgets.
Enabling the Learn package will give you access to widgets that will allow you to combine engaging LXP features with powerful advanced LMS tools.
Enabling the Connect package will give you access to widgets that will allow you to drive engagement and knowledge sharing with our social and community features.
Enabling the Perform package will give you access to widgets that will allow you to integrate learning with performance improvement and career management.
Please click here for more information.
Learn Widgets:
Most completed content - Overview of most completed content.
Quick Search - Search for content.
Assigned channels - Display channels that have been set as Tasks to complete.
Visible channels - Display channels that are visible.
Highest-rated content - See which content your learners are loving.
My upcoming events - See upcoming events that you are enrolled in.
Upcoming tasks - Show upcoming tasks for the period ahead.
Most popular content - See the most popular content by tags, type, or supplier.
Shared with you - See content that people have shared with you.
Newly added content - Add a channel of content that has been made newly visible to all users.
Event enrolments & attendance - See how many people have enrolled in or attended events.
Assigned vs Discovered - Show whether users are engaging with the content they were assigned, or if they're discovering content.
Bookmarked content - See which content you've bookmarked.
Featured video - Display a featured video, whether it's a video you love or a self-recorded announcement.
Pick up where you left off - See all of the content you've made a start on.
Recommended for you - Show content recommendations, based on your users' recommendations.
To-do list - Show time-based activities (content, events, surveys, 1-to-1s) that are due, in a channel.
My learnlists - Prompt users to add their own Learnlists and show previously added Learnlists in a single channel.
Comparison report - See completions across the company or a team.
My skills - View your skills and their ratings.
My teams - Display the teams the user has joined.
All teams - Display all teams so that users can view and join.
Banner - Display a banner image to promote a message or link off.
Featured image - Display a featured image e.g. an infographic or a poster.
Featured channel - Showcase a specific pathway of learning to your learners to help them to develop and discover.
External link image - Link off to websites and resources with these 'Intranet style' widgets.
Connect Widgets:
Most Q&A answers - See a leaderboard of those who have answered the most Q&A questions.
Most discussions posts - See a leaderboard of those who have posted the most discussions.
Recent Q&A Posts - See your recent Q&A posts and answers to your recent questions.
Recent messages - Show recent message threads.
Recent Discussion Posts - See your recent discussion posts and any replies.
Total shares - See how many times content has been shared.
Total Q&A posts created - See how many Q&A posts were posted.
Total Discussion Posts - See how many discussion posts were created.
Recent announcements - Show announcement notification messages.
Perform Widgets:
Objectives report collection - Get a snapshot of Objective insights for the current period.
Objectives breakdown - See the progress summary of selected users' objectives.
Objective progress chart - See if your team is on track to complete their objectives.
1-to-1 completion - Show the % of all finalised 1-to-1s.
1-to-1 completion by teams - Show the % of all finalised 1-to-1s, by team.
Objectives status - Show the breakdown of Objectives, by status (this excludes any archived objective).
My objectives - See my current Objectives progress.
Objective progress by teams - Show the progress of Objectives per team.
Engagement Data Widgets:
Learner-added items - See how many items learners have added via the self-add functionality.
Days Active - See which days of the week are most active over a specified period.
Average session length - Average active time spent on the platform per session.
Average time spent - Average active time spent on the platform over a period of time.
Sessions over time - See how often your learners are active in the system over the period of time.
Most sessions - See a leaderboard of those who have the most platform sessions.
User Invites accepted - Show the proportion of users who have or haven't accepted their invitation email.
Please note: If you’d like to enable the ‘Connect’, ‘Perform’ or ‘Engagement Data’ widgets please contact success@learnamp.com.