Find out all about the Employee Directory.
Please note: If you are a customer using the Community package then the Community package then you will have a Member Directory. For the article about your Member your Member Directory, please click here.
At the beginning of July 2020, we recently launched our new Employee new Employee Directory.
Companies have the option to:
Have this
feature toggledfeature toggled on or off.
Call this either the Employee or Member Directory (Member Directory is recommended if your account is
a communitya community account)
What is the Employee Directory?
This is a great way to find people or experts within your platformPlatform. The Employee directory gives great visibility:
Over the individuals within your
platform;and their expertisePlatform.
And their expertise.
Where is the Employee Directory?
Go to People > Employee Directory Directory.
How do I use the Employee Directory?
You will be able to:
Search by 'Expertise'.
Search for individuals by name.
Visit an individual'
s profiles profile.
Searching by Expertise
In the Employee Directory you'll be able to search for users by Expertiseby Expertise:
Each user's profile on the Employee Directory will show tags Tags with their expertise:
How do I add Expertise tagsTags?
Expertise tags Tags that show on the Employee Directory are the same ones that show on a user's profile.
To add Expertise tags, simply Edit details underneath your avatar or via Tags, simply ‘Edit your details’ underneath your avatar or via your profile:
Here, you can add Expertise tagsTags:
These will then be shown on the user's profile page:
And on their tile within the Employee Directory: