What is the Task log and how to use it?

In this article, you will learn what the task log is and how it can be used.

What is the Task log? 

The Task log is designed to help you keep track of assigned Tasks in the system. It's the best way to get an overview of several things:

  • What tasks have been assigned: You can see all the Tasks that have been assigned within the platform.

  • Who has been assigned what:  You can see what Tasks have been assigned to whom.

  • Task status: You can filter Tasks by their status, e.g. Completed/Overdue/Incomplete, to help you figure out who has or hasn't completed their work yet.

You can also use filters to help you drill down your search if you're looking for more information about a particular task.

You can view different tabs (e.g. TeamGroupCompany) if you wish to look up tasks assigned to a particular group of people.

Depending on your permissions you will be able to see between one to four options under the ‘Tasks’ tab. These are:

My Tasks’- Here you can check what your own tasks are.

Team’- From here you can see the tasks assigned to Teams

Group’-From here you can see the tasks assigned to Groups

Company’- On this page, you will be able to see all tasks assigned in the Company

Once clicking on your desired option you’ll see the page below:


On this page we have the following features:


  • The dashboard will give you an immediate insight into tasks that you are yet to do.


  • Use filters to narrow down a list of tasks so that you can find the specific task you are searching for.

Searching by deadline:

  • You can filter by deadline to find the specific task that you are looking for.


If you would like to filter your search you would need to select 'Filters'.


Step 2: Click ‘Add filter group'


Step 3: You can then choose from different filters to search for specific tasks. Here you can use And / Or filters to add more criteria to your search which will allow you to achieve an even more specific search:

You can find the And / Or filters by either clicking ‘Add filter’ or ‘Add filter group’ under your first filter set.


Please note that if you’re looking for a specific task you would need to ensure that the Date and Completion status filter are set correctly to ensure that the task appears.

Task log reporting:


You can also export a csv report from the task log. Please follow the below steps to obtain this.


Step 1. From the task log view, apply any filters you may want for example, if you’d like a report on a task set for specific content then you may want to add the filters ‘Title’ and ‘Equals’ then add the name of the content.


Step 2. Once you have set all/any filters you’d like you would need to click ‘Actions’ and select ‘Export CSV’.


Step 3. You will now see a box appear advising you the page is preparing the report.

Once the page has generated the report you will see the option ‘Download now’. Click on this and the csv report will download.

The csv will then save into your computers ‘Download’ folder.