What is the Member/Employee Directory and how to use it?

What is the Member/Employee Directory and how to use it?


In this article, you will learn what the Member/Employee Directory is and how it’s used.

The Employee or Member Directory is also known as the Active Directory. It is used to help users find individuals in the company who have certain expertise on a topic or area.

You have the option to:

  • Have this feature toggled on or off

  • Call this either the Employee or Member Directory (Member Directory is recommended if your account is a community account

What is the Member/Employee Directory?

The Member Directory is a directory of all of the users in the account. 

This is a great way to find people or experts within your platform. The Member Directory gives great visibility over individuals within your platform and their expertise;

 Is there a difference between Member Directory and Employee Directory?

There is no difference in the way this feature works. The only difference is the name Member Directory and Employee Directory. The choice of name between Member Directory and Employee Directory can be decided by your company. (Member Directory is recommended if your account is a community account)

Where is the Member/Employee Directory? 

Go to the People tab>Member Directory or Employee Directory


How do I use the Member/Employee Directory?

If your platform is a regular company platform: 

You will be able to:

  • Search by Expertise

  • Search for individuals by name

  • Visit an individual's profile


 Each user's profile on the Member/Employee Directory will show tags with their expertise:


How can users fill in these details? 

All of these details can be filled in by users when they edit their expertise tags in Profile & Preferences

Information that shows on the Member/Employee Directory is the same as displayed on a user's profile. 

To add Expertise tags, simply go to your avatar>click Profile & Preferences>under Key info there will be the column Expertise:


It can also be accessed while viewing a users profile by clicking the 3 pips next to the profile image>Edit details:



Here, each user can edit their details and fill in this information:


These will then be shown on the user's profile page:


And on their tile within the Member/Employee Directory: