Who are Current and New Members?
Setting Task for | Current Members | New Members |
Team | All current team members, regardless of log in status at the time the task is created.
| New members added to the team after the task is created.
This can either a newly created user, or an existing Learn Amp user added to this team.
For new platform users, the task will be issued when they log in for the first time, or X days from this according to ‘set from’ date.
Otherwise for active users, the task is issued immediately when they join this team, (or X days from this according to ‘set from’ date).
Group | All current group members, regardless of log in status at the time the task is created.
| New members to the group after the task is created.
This can either a newly created user, or an existing Learn Amp user added to this group.
For new platform users, the task will be issued when they log in for the first time, or X days from this according to ‘set from’ date.
Otherwise for active users, the task is issued immediately when they join this group, (or X days from this according to ‘set from’ date).
Company | All platform users, regardless of log in status, at the time the task is created. | All newly created users, after task created.
The task will be issued when they log in for the first time, (or X days from this according to ‘set from’ date).