Event Notifications

Event Notifications

This page contains details of notifications issued about events to which users they are sent, what triggers these notifications and if they are issued as standard, or need to be configured in the event settings.

New Enrolments and Applications

Event Application

  • This notification (user has applied for an event) can be configured to be sent to a user’s manager or other named individuals within the event settings. It is not issued automatically for events requiring approval.

Event Enrolment or Application Approved

  • Sent automatically to learners when their event enrolment is approved, or if they are enrolled directly by a manager, admin or other user.

  • This notification (a user has enrolled) can be configured to be sent to additional users such as the person’s manager, or named individual, within the event settings.

Event Application Rejected

  • Sent automatically to learners if their event application is rejected by their manager, admin or other user.



Event Enrolment Cancelled

  • Sent automatically to learners who cancel their enrolment on an event session, confirming their unenrolment on the event session.

  • This notification (user has cancelled) can also be configured to be sent to the user’s manager or other named individuals within the event settings.

Event Unenrolled by Another User

  • Sent automatically to learners who are unenrolled from an event session by another user, confirming their unenrolment on the event session.


Event Reminders

Upcoming Event Reminder

  • Sent automatically to enrolled learners 1 day before the event session at 12pm.

  • Additional reminders (e.g. 1 week before, 2 days before) and custom messages can be configured within the event settings.

Waiting Lists

Event waiting list joined to organiser

  • This notification (user has joined the waiting list) can be configured to be sent to users such as a person’s manager, or named individual, within the event settings. It is not issued automatically.

Enrolled in event to learner (moved from waiting list)

  • Automatically sent to users who have been moved from the event waiting list, to either a ‘pending’ status (requires approval), or ‘enrolled’ status for the same event.

Event Changes and Cancellations

Event has new details

  • Automatically sent to enrolled learners on events when event or session details change, such as location, date or time.

Event Cancelled

  • Sent automatically to learners if an event session is archived (cancelled).

Event Attendance

Event Attended

  • This notification (user has attended an event) can be configured to be sent to users such as a person’s manager, or named individual, within the event settings.

Learner Confirm Attendance

  • Sent automatically to learners after events with the attendance type “learner marks attendance” inviting them to confirm their attendance on the event session.

Learner Confirm Attendance Reminder

  • Sent automatically to learners who have not confirmed their attendance on “learner marks attendance” events, after the initial notification.

Event attendance due

  • Automatically sent to event hosts or admins (depending on who is set to mark the event attendance), as an invitation to mark attendance.

Event attendance reminder

  • Automatically sent to event hosts or admins (depending on who is set to mark the event attendance), as a follow up to the initial invitation to mark attendance.