Exporting Event Enrolments
Exporting Event Enrolments
Read this article to learn how you can export Event enrolments into a CSV file.
This article will explain how you can export Event enrolments into a CSV file.
When might this feature be used?
This feature is a great way to be able to check off a list of people who have attended.
It makes it easy to see all the attendees and their email addresses in one place.
You can keep a list of all the attendees on your computer for your own records.
Who can export Event enrolments?
The following users can export Event enrolments. Anyone with a status of:
Only users with these roles will be able to see the export button.
Step 1: Create an Event
Step 2: Once you have finished creating the Event, select 'Export enrolments CSV' under the three pips
Step 3: Download the CSV file which should appear on your computer
Step 4: Open up CSV file