How do I invite a single user into the system? (Manual invite)

Learn how to invite a single user into the system.

How can I invite people into the system?

There are two different ways:

1. You can invite a single user into the system, i.e. with a manual invite.

2. You can invite many users into the system, i.e. with a bulk importer.


This article will explain how to invite a single user into the system.

For information on how to invite many users into the system in one go, please read this article:

Inviting a single user (manual invite) 

Video guide: 

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, width='688', height='387', player_id='31199142778', style='' %}  

Written guide: 

Step 1: In the top navigation bar, select the + icon > Under 'People', select 'People'.

Step 2: Select 'Single User' (manual invite)

Step 3: Fill in the user's details

For more detailed information on filling out this form, please read this article, which will explain all the different information boxes: