How do I invite users onto the system?
One of the first things that you will want to do, is to invite users onto Learn Amp. Here is a step by step guide.
Single user:
Click the plus icon in the navigation bar and click 'people'.
Select 'Single user'.
Fill in their key details, Name and Email.
Select the Teams that they belong to.
Set their Permissions within the system (each is described in the right hand panel).
Set their Primary language; this is what the system language will default to, but can be changed by the user at any time.
Click Send invite and you're done!
To check the status of your invite, view the status column on the people page. You can also use filters to only show a certain status e.g. invite pending.
Many users:
Click the plus icon in the navigation bar and click 'people'.
Select 'Many users'.
Upload your CSV with the users that you want to upload, make sure to include a minimum of name and email and label the columns so that you can easily identify them (to make life easier, we've added a template for you to download).
Match the columns to our labels. For example if you have labelled a column 'Primary name' then you will need to match it to 'First name'. Any you don't match will be skipped.
Select your settings, this includes whether you want to update existing users, deactivate any missing users, when you send invites etc.
Click 'Import' this will begin running through the CSV and adding the users to the system. Invites will be sent out at your specified time.
To check the status of your invite, view the status column on the people page. You can also use filters to only show a certain status e.g. invite pending.