Advanced Analytics: Data Schema
- 1 users
- 2 custom fields
- 3 groups
- 4 group_users
- 5 teams
- 6 team_users
- 7 locations
- 8 content
- 9 quizzes
- 10 quiz_attempts
- 11 quiz_attempt_answers
- 12 surveys
- 13 survey_occurrences
- 14 survey_attempts
- 15 survey_attempt_answers
- 16 activities
- 17 completions
- 18 starts
- 20 tasks
- 21 event_sessions
- 22 enrollments
- 23 skills (a.k.a Topics)
- 24 skill_categories (a.k.a Topic Categories)
- 25 skill_category_skills
- 26 content_skills
- 27 user_skills
- 28 session_tracks
- 29 managers
- 30 coaches
- 31 one_to_ones
- 32 one_to_one_attempts
- 33 one_to_one_attempt_answers
- 34 objectives
- 35 key_results
We are continuously adding new tables and data points.
Please be aware that Advanced Analytics includes data linked to deactivated users and archived content and events, so remember to filter those out if appropriate.
The users table contains details of each user within the company, including deactivated, and not yet active users.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | The unique user identifier |
Sign in count | sign_in_count | Integer | Count of the total number of times the user has logged in all-time |
Current sign in at | current_sign_in_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) of the user’s most recent log in |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) when the user was originally created |
First name | first_name | String | First name of the user. (aka given name) |
Last name | last_name | String | Last name of the user. (aka surname) |
Job title | job_title | String | Job title of the user. (e.g. Marketing Assistant). Can be blank. |
Language | language | String | Primary (selected) language for the user in ISO 653-1 format |
Manager | manager | Boolean | True/false flag to identify whether the user is a manager. Includes both primary team managers and override managers. |
Time zone | time_zone | String | Time zone string for the users selected time zone (if any). |
Id | coach_id | Integer | User id of the user’s coach (if any). |
Is coach | is_coach | Boolean | True/false flag to identify if the user is designated as a coach |
Id | manager_id | Integer | User is of the user’s override manager, or primary team manager if user has no override manager set. |
Secondary manager | secondary_manager | Boolean | True/false flag to identify if the user is the secondary manager of any team. |
Hire date | hire_date | Date | Hire date of the employee. Only set if this data is available from an HR system integration or similar. |
Is override manager | is_override_manager | Boolean | True/false false to identify if the user is designated as the override manager of another user. |
Deactivated at | deactivated_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the user was deactivated |
Deactivated | deactivated | Boolean | True/false flag it identify whether or not the user have been deactivated. |
System role | system_role | String | System role of the user on Learn Amp. |
Location id | location_id | Integer | ID for the user’s primary location. See id in locations table. |
Tenure in days | tenure_in_days | Integer | Total length of the user’s tenure in days (Today or Leave Date minus their Hire Date, in days). Will be null if Hire Date has not been set. |
Leave date | leave_date | Date | Employment termination / leave date, if available/applicable. |
custom fields
The custom_fields
table contains each custom field value for each user.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id of the user’s custom field. Can be ignored |
Custom field id | custom_field_id | Integer | ID of custom field. This value will be repeated for each occurrence of this custom field |
Custom field name | name | String | name of the custom field, e.g. “Employee Number” |
Value | value | String | value of the custom field for this particular user, e.g. “ABC123” |
The groups table contains basic metadata of all groups. A group is a collection of users, defined by a set of filtering criteria. Users are added to groups automatically by the system, and are refreshed on a regular basis.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the group. |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the group was first created. |
Group name | name | String | Name of the Group |
The group_users table is a link table, associating users with groups. This table defines who belongs to which groups.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | group_id | integer | ID of the group, see id in groups table |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the group_user record. |
Id | user_id | integer | ID of the user, see id in users table |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the given user was added to the given group. |
The teams table contains basic metadata of all teams. A team may have a manager and secondary managers. Users may belong to a primary, and many secondary teams.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the team. |
Team name | name | String | Name of the team |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the team was first created. |
Id | manager_id | Integer | User id of the manager of the team. See id in users table |
Parent team id | parent_team_id | Integer | ID of this team’s parent team. Teams may exist within a hierachy, and have parent and child teams. |
Team users count | team_users_count | Integer | Count of users belonging directly to this team. (Excludes managers) |
Team users caches count | team_user_caches_count | Integer | Count of users belonging directly to this team AND any of the child teams beneath this team in the hierarchy. (Excludes team managers). |
Manager name | manager_name | String | Full name of the team’s manager. This will be identical to full_name in users table, for the given manager_id |
The team_users table is a link table, associating users with teams. This table defines who belongs to which teams.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | team_id | integer | ID of the team, see id in teams table |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the team_user record. |
Id | user_id | integer | ID of the user, see id in users table |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the given user was added to the given team. |
Primary flag | primary_flag
| Boolean | True/false flag to denote whether this is the user’s primary team. |
The locations table contains basic metadata of all locations.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the location. |
Location name | name | String | Name of the location |
The content table contains basic metadata for all types of content referenced by activities and tasks. Content may belong directly to the company or is shared with the company from a library account. Please note archived content is included in the data.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) when the content was first created |
Content type | content_type | String | Type of the content on the Learn Amp platform. Since Items has multiple types, this field may be different from the type field described below. Example content types: video, article, book etc. |
Content name | name | String | Name (or title) of the piece of content. If the content has a title saved in multiple languages, the name stored here will be the first available translation - beginning with English, then English-USA, and so on. |
Type with id | type_with_id | String | Concatenation of the content’s primary id with it’s type, in the form: item-123 |
Type | type | String | The entity type of the content on Learn Amp. Will be one of: Item, Channel, Learnlist, Event, Quiz, Survey |
The quizzes table contains basic metadata of all quizzes. Quizzes may include those belonging directly to the company, and those shared from a library account. quizzes is a subset of the content table, for reporting/listing only quizzes. Please note archived quizzes are included in the data.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the quiz. |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the quiz was first created. |
Name | name | String | Name of the quiz |
Archived | archived | Boolean | True/false flag denoting that the quiz has been archived. |
Data point name in BI tool | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Id | id | bigint (not null) | Unique ID of the quiz attempt |
Id | quiz_id | bigint (not null) | Foreign key referencing the quizzes table |
Id | user_id | bigint (not null) | Foreign key referencing the users table |
Correct answer count | correct_answer_count | integer | Number of correct answers in the quiz attempt |
Correct answer count | incorrect_answer_count | integer | Number of incorrect answers in the quiz attempt |
Submitted at | submitted_at | timestamp | Timestamp indicating when the quiz attempt was submitted |
Score | score | integer | Overall score achieved in the quiz attempt |
Passed | passed | boolean | Indicates whether the user passed the quiz |
Expired at | expired_at | timestamp | Timestamp indicating when the quiz attempt expired |
Expired | expired | boolean | Indicates whether the quiz attempt has expired |
Most recent | most_recent | boolean | Indicates whether the attempt is the most recent one |
The "quiz_attempt_answers" table is designed to store information about individual answers submitted by users during quiz attempts.
Data point name in BI tool | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Question id | question_id | bigint (not null) | Unique ID of the question in the quiz |
Correct | correct | boolean | Indicates whether the submitted answer is correct |
Submitted at | submitted_at | timestamp | Timestamp indicating when the answer was submitted |
Id | quiz_attempt_id | bigint (not null) | Foreign key referencing the quiz_attempts table |
Id | quiz_id | bigint (not null) | Foreign key referencing the quizzes table |
Id | user_id | bigint (not null) | Foreign key referencing the users table |
Most recent | most_recent | boolean | Indicates whether the answer is the most recent one |
Question | question | varchar(255) | Text of the question being answered |
Question type | question_type | varchar(255) | Type of the question (e.g., multiple choice, essay) |
Answer | answer | varchar(2000) | Text of the submitted answer |
The surveys table contains basic metadata of all surveys. Surveys may include those belonging directly to the company, and those shared from a library account. surveys is a subset of the content table, for reporting/listing only surveys. Please note archived surveys are included in the data.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the survey. |
Created at | created_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the survey was first created. |
Survey name | name | String | Name of the survey |
Survey type | survey_type | String | Returns the type of survey. |
The survey_occurrences table contains specific point in time issuances of surveys. Metadata around attempts (and therefore responses) is denormalized into this table for convenience.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the survey occurrence |
Id | survey_id | Integer | ID of the survey that was issued. (Foreign ID reference to surveys table) |
Issued at | issued_at | Timestamp | The precise time of issuance of the survey. Please note this will be empty for “Content” type surveys. |
Deadline | deadline | Date | The date that this survey occurrence is, or was due by |
Attempts issued | attempts_issued | Integer | A count of attempts that were created as a result of the survey being issued - indicating the number of users the survey was issued to. |
Attempts completed | attempts_completed | Integer | A count of the attempts relating to this survey that have been submitted - the number of users who have responded. |
Response rate | response_rate | Integer | The response rate given as a percentage. |
The survey_attempts table holds top level information about survey attempts. Attempts model the user’s attempt at a given Survey as relating to a specific occurrence thereof. The attempt is created prior to the user submitting any answers, so gives information about unsubmitted user attempts also.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the survey occurrence |
Id | user_id | Integer | ID of the user that the attempt belongs to. (Foreign ID reference to users table) |
Id | survey_id | Integer | ID of the survey that was issued. (Foreign ID reference to surveys table) |
Deadline | deadline | Date | The date that this survey occurrence is, or was due by |
Submitted at | submitted_at | Timestamp | The specific date and time that this attempt was submitted at. This will be null if the user is yet to submit the attempt. |
Currently overdue | currently_overdue | Boolean | Returns whether the attempt is currently overdue. This will only be true if the attempt is unsubmitted and past the deadline. |
Overdue when submitted | overdue_when_submitted | Boolean | Returns whether, at the time of submission (submitted_at) the attempt was overdue. This will return false prior to submission. |
Survey type | survey_type | String | Returns the type of survey the attempt was for, denormalized from surveys |
Observation subject id | observation_subject_id | Integer | If the survey is an observation of another user, this returns the ID of htis user (Foreign id reference to users table) |
Completed | completed | Boolean | Returns true if the survey attempt has been submitted. |
Started at | started_at | Timestamp | Returns the specific time that the attempt was started. |
Time taken | time_taken | Integer | Returns the number of seconds taken between starting and submitting the attempt. |
Survey occurrence id | survey_occurrence_id | Integer | ID of the survey occurrence this attempt relates to. (Foreign id reference to survey_occurrences table) |
The survey_attempt_answers table contains one record per answer as relates to a user’s survey attmempt. This table contains the question information denormalized for convenience. In the case of multi-dimensional questions, or Polls, the question will be given in the form “Question - poll option”. Weightings & values are given by the value column, whilst the answer always contains the text representation if relevant.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the survey occurrence |
Id | user_id | Integer | ID of the user that gave the answer (Foreign ID reference to users table) |
Id | survey_attempt_id | Integer | ID of the survey attempt that this answer belongs to (Foreign id reference to survey_attempts table). |
Survey id | survey_id | Integer | ID of the survey that was issued. (Foreign ID reference to surveys table) |
Question | question | String | The question text. In the case of multi-dimensional questions, or Polls, the question will be given in the form “Question - poll option” |
Question type | question_type | String | The type of question this answer relates to. |
Answer | answer | String | The string representation of the answer, where applicable |
Value | value | Integer | The integer representation of the answer, where applicable (eg weighting or sliding scale type questions) |
Deadline | deadline | Date | The deadline for this particular survey attempt/occurrence. |
Submitted at | submitted_at | Timestamp | Returns the specific time that the answer and its parent attempt were submitted. |
Survey Occurrence id | survey_occurrence_id | Integer | ID of the survey occurrence this attempt relates to. (Foreign id reference to survey_occurrences table) |
The activities table contains all the activity logged by users within the company. For reporting on content completion, we recommend using the completions table, described below. Likewise views and starts have their own table. Activities is the all encompassing table, which is used to generate the Activity Log on the Learn Amp platform.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id of the activity record. For most use cases this can be ignored |
Id | user_id | Integer | User id of the user who performed the activity. (Foreign id reference to users table) |
Happened at | happened_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity occurred |
Completed | completed | Boolean | True/false flag for whether this activity was a “content was completed” activity. |
Result | result | String | Result value reported by SCORM (or similar) elearning package. Typically this will be PASS, FAIL, FAILED, UNKNOWN, COMPELETED. Most activity will have a null value for result. |
Score | score | Integer | Score value reported by SCORM (or similar) elearning package. Generally this is a percentage value that the user achieved. Most activity will have a null value for score. |
Total time | total_time | Integer | Total time in seconds that the user took to complete the content, as reported by SCORM (or similar) elearning package. Most activity will have a null value for total_time. |
Expired at | expired_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity was marked as expired. Learn Amp will expire, for example, the previous year’s activity when a user has a new recurring task issued to them. |
Type | type | String | Type of content this activity relates to. See type description for the content table. |
Content id | content_id | Integer | Unique id of the content this activity relates to. |
Verb | verb | String | Verb (label) for this activity. For example: completed, started, failed etc. |
Expired | expired | Boolean | True/false flag to indicate whether this activity has been marked as expired or not. See expired_at description. |
The completions table contains all the content completed activity logged by users within the company. This is a subset of the activities table, and is recommended to use for completion reporting.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id of the activity record. For most use cases this can be ignored |
Id | user_id | Integer | User id of the user who performed the activity. (Foreign id reference to users table) |
Happened at | happened_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity occurred |
Completed | completed | Boolean | True/false flag for whether this activity was a “content was completed” activity. |
Result | result | String | Result value reported by SCORM (or similar) elearning package. Typically this will be PASS, FAIL, FAILED, UNKNOWN, COMPELETED. Most activity will have a null value for result. |
Score | score | Integer | Score value reported by SCORM (or similar) elearning package. Generally this is a percentage value that the user achieved. Most activity will have a null value for score. |
Total time | total_time | Integer | Total time in seconds that the user took to complete the content, as reported by SCORM (or similar) elearning package. Most activity will have a null value for total_time. |
Expired at | expired_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity was marked as expired. Learn Amp will expire, for example, the previous year’s activity when a user has a new recurring task issued to them. |
Type | type | String | Type of content this activity relates to. See type description for the content table. |
Id | content_id | Integer | Unique id of the content this activity relates to. |
Expired | expired | Boolean | True/false flag to indicate whether this activity has been marked as expired or not. See expired_at description. |
The starts table contains all the content started activities logged by users within the company. This is a subset of the activities table, and is recommended to use for reporting on what content was started.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id of the activity record. For most use cases this can be ignored |
Id | user_id | Integer | User id of the user who performed the activity. (Foreign id reference to users table) |
Happened at | happened_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity occurred |
Expired at | expired_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity was marked as expired. Learn Amp will expire, for example, the previous year’s activity when a user has a new recurring task issued to them. |
Type | type | String | Type of content this activity relates to. See type description for the content table. |
Id | content_id | Integer | Unique id of the content this activity relates to. |
Expired | expired | Boolean | True/false flag to indicate whether this activity has been marked as expired or not. See expired_at description. |
The views table contains all the content viewed activities logged by users within the company. This is a subset of the activities table, and is recommended to use for reporting on what content was started.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id of the activity record. For most use cases this can be ignored |
Id | user_id | Integer | User id of the user who performed the activity. (Foreign id reference to users table) |
Happened at | happened_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity occurred |
Expired at | expired_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (UTC) for when the activity was marked as expired. Learn Amp will expire, for example, the previous year’s activity when a user has a new recurring task issued to them. |
Type | type | String | Type of content this activity relates to. See type description for the content table. |
Id | content_id | Integer | Unique id of the content this activity relates to. |
Expired | expired | Boolean | True/false flag to indicate whether this activity has been marked as expired or not. See expired_at description. |
The tasks table contains data relating to individual tasks that have been assigned to users, requiring them to complete content by a certain deadline.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | user_id | Integer | User id of the user who was assigned the task. (Foreign id reference to users table) |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the task |
Deadline | deadline | Date | Deadline for when the content must be completed by. |
Completed at | completed_at | Datetime | Timestamp (in UTC) for when the user completed the content, triggering the task to be marked as completed. If the task has not yet been completed, this will be null. |
Mandatory | mandatory | Booolean | True/false flag denoting whether the task was marked as mandatory. |
Expired at | expired_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (in UTC) for when the task was marked as expired. When a recurring task is issued, any previous tasks in the series will be marked as expired. |
Assigned at | assigned_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (in UTC) for when the task was issued to the user. |
Archived | archived | Boolean | True/false flag denoting that the task has been archived. A task will be archived automatically if the content that it relates to gets archived. This is because the user can no longer access the content once it has been archived. |
Type | type | String | Type of content this task is for. See type description for the content table. |
Id | content_id | Integer | Unique id of the content this task is for. |
Expired | expired | Boolean | True/false flag denoting whether this task has been expired. See expired_at. |
Completed | completed | Boolean | True/false flag denoting whether this task has been completed. See completed_at. |
Overdue | overdue | Boolean | True/false flag denoting whether the user has not yet completed the task and is past the deadline. Note that overdue relates to today’s date. If a user completed the task after the deadline (ie. it was overdue at the time of completion) this flag will show false, since the task is no longer overdue today. |
The event_sessions table contains metadata related to each session of an event. Event metadata is stored in the events table. However, details like start time/date, end time/date and location are stored in the event_session table. This is because events may have more than one session, ie. a given event may be run multiple times.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the event session |
Event id | event_id | Integer | Event id of the event this session belongs to. (Foreign id reference to events table) |
Starts at | starts_at | Timestamp | Date/time (stored in UTC) for when the event session begins |
Ends at | ends_at | Timestamp | Date/time (stored in UTC) for when the event session ends |
Location type | location_type | String | Type of location, e.g. Website URL, Map location, MS Teams, Zoom etc. |
Attendance type | attendance_type | String | How the user’s attendance is marked, e.g. Marked automatically, Marked by attendee, Marked by admin, Marked by host. |
Id | host_id | Integer | User ID of the user who is designated as the Host for the event session. See id in users table. |
Event name | name | String | Name of the event. Will be identical to name in the events table for the given event_id |
Host name | host_name | String | Full name of the host. Will be identical to full_name in the users table for the given host_id. |
Id | content_id | Integer | Foreign ID reference to the content table for this event. |
Archived | archived | Boolean | True/false flag denoting that the event session has been archived. |
The enrollments table contains details of a user’s enrollment in a specific event session. The enrollments table also stores the attendenance status for whether a given user attended or did not attend a specific event session (if this information is available).
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | user_id | Integer | User ID of the user who is enrolled in the event session. |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the enrollment |
Id | event_session_id | Integer | ID of the event session for this enrollement. |
Status | status | String | The status of the enrollment. Will be one of: pending, approved, rejected, unenrolled |
Attendance | attendance | String | Denotes whether or not the user attended the event session or not, if available. Will be one of: not yet recorded, attended, did not attend. |
Host | host | Boolean | True/false flag denoting if this is the host’s enrollment record. When a user is made the host of an event session, a host enrollment is automatically created for them, since they will likely attend the event session for which they are the host. |
Enrolled at | enrolled_at | Date | The date a user was enrolled in an event session. |
skills (a.k.a Topics)
The skills table contains basic meta data for a skill. In Learn Amp a skill may also be referred to as a Topic, since organising content into topics is generally how we encourage you to build up your learning taxonomy.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the skill/topic |
Skill name | name | String | Name of the skill/topic. If the skill has multiple translations, this field will contain English or the first available translation of the name. |
skill_categories (a.k.a Topic Categories)
The skill_categories table contains basic meta data for a skill or topic category.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the skill/topic category |
Skill category name | name | String | Name of the skill/topic category. If the category has multiple translations, this field will contain English or the first available translation of the name. |
The skill_category_skills table is a link table, to denote which skills/topics belong to which categories.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | skill_category_id | Integer | Skill Category ID, foreign id reference to skill_categories table |
Id | id | Integer | Unique ID of the skill/topic category |
Id | skill_id | Integer | Skill ID, foreign id reference to skills table |
The content_skills table is a link table, to denote which skills/topics relate to which items of content.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | content_id | Integer | ID of the content, see type_with_id in the content table |
Id | skill_id | Integer | Skill ID, foreign id reference to skills table |
The user_skills table is a link table, to denote which skills/topics a given user is interested in learning about. Additionally, if a user or their manager rate their proficiency in the skill, this rating is also stored in this table.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | user_id | Integer | User ID of the user who has expressed interest in or been rated for the skill. |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id of this user_skill record. |
Id | skill_id | Integer | Skill ID, foreign id reference to skills table |
Own rating | own_rating | Integer | Rating that the user has given themselves in the skill. Rating range will depend on how your skill ratings have been configured in your company. |
Target rating | target_rating | Integer | Target rating that the user or their manager has set for this user to achieve in this skill |
Manager rating | manager_rating | Integer | Rating that the user’s manager has given them in the skill. |
Preferred rating | preferred_rating | Integer | If present this will be the manager_rating value. If not present, this will be the own_rating value. |
The session_tracks table contains session duration data for users on Learn Amp. Each time the user interacts with a page, their session duration value is extended. This table is useful for analysing engagement and usage of the platform.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | Unique id for the session. Note this is not the browser session ID value. |
Id | user_id | Integer | ID of the user who this session relates to. |
Duration | duration | Integer | Length of the session in seconds |
Starts at | starts_at | Timestamp | Timestamp (in UTC) for when this session started. |
The managers table contains basic meta data for a given manager. This table includes both override managers and team managers. The full details of each user are stored in users table, but this table is useful for reporting by manager.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | User ID of this manager. Will match the id in the users table |
First name | first_name | String | First name of the manager |
Last name | last_name | String | Last name of the manager |
Manager full name | full_name | String | Full name of the manager |
The coaches table contains basic meta data for a given coach. The full details of each user are stored in users table, but this table is useful for reporting by coach.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Id | id | Integer | User ID of this coach. Will match the id in the users table |
First name | first_name | String | First name of the coach |
Last name | last_name | String | Last name of the coach |
Coach full name | full_name | String | Full name of the coach |
The one_to_one table contains details of 1-to-1s, such as total time taken to finalize, status, cycle name and the names of the reviewer and reviewee. However, it does not contain the detailed answers, which are stored in the one_to_one_attempt_answers
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
1-to-1 Id | id | bigint | Unique identifier for the one-to-one meeting. Primary key. |
1-to-1 Cycle name | cycle_name | varchar(255) | Name of the cycle to which this one-to-one belongs. |
1-to-1 Created at | created_at | timestamp | Timestamp when the one-to-one was created. |
Updated at | updated_at | timestamp | Timestamp when the one-to-one was last updated. |
1-to-1 Deadline | deadline | date | Deadline for the one-to-one. |
Finalized at | finalized_at | timestamp | Timestamp when the one-to-one was finalized. |
1-to-1 Name | name | varchar(255) | Name of the one-to-one. |
1-to-1 Description | description | varchar(2000) | Description of the one-to-one. |
1-to-1 Reviewer name | reviewer_name | varchar(255) | Name of the reviewer. |
1-to-1 Reviewee name | reviewee_name | varchar(255) | Name of the reviewee. |
Reviewee Total Time | reviewee_total_time | integer | Total time spent by the reviewee. |
Reviewer Total Time | reviewer_total_time | integer | Total time spent by the reviewer. |
Time To Finalize | time_to_finalize | integer | Time taken to finalize the one-to-one. |
1-to-1 Status | status | varchar(255) | Status of the one-to-one. Cannot be null. Will be one of: Completed, Incomplete, Overdue. |
1-to-1 Archived | archived | boolean | Indicates whether the 1-1 has been archived or not. |
This is a simple table which acts like a bridge between the 1-1s and its answers, as the same 1-to-1 can be linked to multiple attempts. This will also store the user information through the user id and whether the user is the reviewer or the reviewee.
As One-to-one attempts are linked to 2 users (reviewer and reviewee), remember to use the attribute “1-to-1 attempt User is a reviewee” (true / false) as a filter in One-to-one visualizations, to avoid the same attempt being counted twice.
Data point name in BI Tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
1-to-1 attempt Id | id | bigint | Unique identifier for the attempt. Primary key. |
1-to-1 attempt User is reviewee | user_is_reviewee | boolean | Indicates if the user is the reviewee in this attempt. |
1-to-1 Submitted | submitted | boolean | Indicates if the reviewee submitted the 1-1 or not. |
This table contains all of the survey answers submitted through the 1-to-1s. This table will be empty for companies where the 1-to-1s are set as not visible for admins.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
1-to-1 Question | question | varchar(255) | Question being answered. |
1-to-1 Value | value | integer | Value of the answer. |
1-to-1 Answer | answer | varchar(2000) | Text of the answer. |
1-to-1 Question type label | question_type_label | varchar(255) | Label indicating the type of question. |
This contains all the objectives set for individuals, teams or at company level.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Objective id | id | Integer | Unique identifier for the objective. |
Objective name | name | Varchar(255) | Name of the objective. This corresponds to the information entered in the field: “What is the overall objective?” |
Objective level | level | Varchar(64) | Level assigned to the objective. Will be one of: Self-development, Individual, Team, Company. |
Objective set for (user id) | assigned_to_id | Integer | Id of the user the objective has been assigned to (“owner” of the objective). |
Objective team id | team_id | Integer | Id of the team the objective has been assigned to. |
Objective set by (user id) | assigned_by_id | Integer | Id of the user who has created the objective and assigned it to a user. |
Objective start date | start_date | Date | The start date the objective has been set for. |
Objective end date | end_date | Date | The end date the objective has been set for. |
Objective progress | current_progress | Integer | The progress against the objective given as a percentage. |
Objective completion status | completion_status | Varchar(64) | The completion status of the objective. Will be one of: Not started, In Progress, Completed. |
Objective parent objective id | parent_objective_id | Integer | Id of the parent objective (for objectives placed under other objectives via the “Align to other objective” feature). |
Objectives archived | archived | Boolean | True/false flag denoting that the objective has been archived. |
Objectives private | private | Boolean | True/false flag denoting that an objective has been made Private (only visible to the owner of the objective and key results. Their manager, account owner and admins can view the objective via the user's profile. No other users can see the objective). |
This table contains all the key results associated with objectives.
Data point name in BI tool | Field name | Data type | Description |
Key result id | id | Integer | Unique identifier for the key result. |
Objective id | objective_id | Integer | Unique identifier for the objective the key result belongs to. |
Key result name | name | Varchar(4000) | Name of the key result. This corresponds to the information entered in the field: “Key result description” |
Key result completion type | completion_type | Varchar(64) | Type of completion required for the key result - one of ‘self_certify’, ‘pass_score’ or ‘maintain’ |
Key result progress | progress | integer | Progress against the key result expressed as a percentage |
Key result status | status | Varchar(64) | Status of the key result - one of ‘not_started’, ‘on_track’, ‘behind’, ‘at_risk’ |
Key result owner id | owner_id | Integer | Unique ID of the owning user. |
Key result contribution to objective progress | contribution_to_objective_progress | Boolean | Whether or not the key result contributes to the objective’s progress. |
Key result target from value | target_from_value | Numeric(14,2) | The “from” value of the target range, expressed as a decimal |
Key result target to value | target_to_value | Numeric(14,2) | The “to” value of the target range, expressed as a decimal |
Key result unit | unit | Varchar(100) | The unit for the target values and result |
Key result value | result | Numeric(14,2) | The actual result of the key result |