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Reporting & Logs
Q&A: Is there an option to run a report that includes all types of content that have been assigned to teams?
Q&A: How does archived content behave in the Logs?
How do I set up reports and what can I do with them?
How do I view CSV exports of reports in one place?
Reports on Surveys
Where can I see reporting on "assigned" content? What are the different logs for?
Where can I view my saved reports?
What are the different reporting logs for? (People Log, Content Log, Task Log, Activity Log)
Q&A: How do I export exercise attempts?
Q&A: How can I check the user's status?
Q&A: How is time formatted within CSVs exported from the platform?
Q&A: What is the difference between 'Export CSV' and 'Export E-learning CSV'?
Q&A: If I send a report via email to 'managers' - does it only send to managers who have direct reports in the report filters specified?
Q&A: What activity is logged if a user doesn't click log-out on Learn Amp?
Q&A: If a score is imported against any content how can users see this?
What are the different reporting logs? How do I use them?
Q&A: Is there a way to get a list of all of the users set to 'Taking a break' on the platform?
Q&A: Can I see user completions at the parent or child level?
Q&A: Why are there inconsistencies with the number of completed items across the Activity Dashboard and the Profile Dashboard?
Q&A: Can you see which teams and locations people answered from when viewing anonymous survey attempts (Reporting)?
Q&A: Can I filter users by their custom fields?
Q&A: When pulling a report for users who have received certificates, will the report show expired certificates?
What do 'unique entries' signify according to your monitoring?
I completed an Activity import for an Event, and the completed item shows within the team member's activity log, but the event does not show any enrolments and CPD - Can you fix this?
Could you please let us know what our number of SCORM launches is currently?
How can I see answers for all attempts in SCORM interaction reports? I need to see where users are going wrong and provide valuable insight.
What is a comparison report and how do I use it?
Will I be able to see each user's answer for each question in the CSV export for Quizzes?
How do I pull a file that shows all Items on the site?
Why have users stopped receiving the daily/weekly/monthly scheduled reports?
How do I pull a report on completion for a specific Learnlist?
How can I report on time spent in training?
Why is the Total time in seconds blank in the Content Log CSV for some pieces of Content?
How is the Total time in seconds column calculated in the Content Log and Engagement Data CSVs?
Activity Log
Content Log
People Log
Audit Log
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User / People Management
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