How does the messaging tool work?

How does the messaging tool work?

Find out who can message who, what types of messages can be sent and how you will be alerted.

If you have messaging enabled, you can send, view and manage conversations in one place. In this article, learn about the different features of the Messaging Inbox and how to use them to manage communication with your contacts:

Who can message?

Decide which of the following options you want:

  • Open Inbox: All users can search for each other and message each other.

  • Support Inbox: Users can message their manager and any with the HR, Admin or Owner role.

  • Please note: Contact us to change this setting.


Where do I go to access my inbox?

Messaging can be found in two key places:

  • Via the envelope icon: In your navigation you will see an envelope icon. Click this to view your inbox. We will notify you whenever you get a new message.

  • On a users profile: Search for a user and in the left hand user details panel you should see a 'Message' button. Press this to send them a message.


What can you do with the messaging system?

We have created a streamlined messaging system with only the most critical features so that you can focus on the conversation:

  • Quickly message: Click message from a users profile or search for users and send them a message.

  • History & search: See a history of all messages that you've sent so far and use search to find who you need.

  • Attachments: Send attachments with your messages, to be downloaded. Images, PDFs, Audio and Video files are viewable within Learn Amp. 

  • Quick click to learners profile: Click through to the profile of the person you are messaging to see an overview about them.


How often will I get informed of my messages?

See notifications and get emails:

  • Emails: Get an email with any new messages every 10 minutes. We've pulled them together into a single digest email so that you don't get overwhelmed with emails. 

  • Notifications: Get notified when new messages come in.

  • Note: Messaging is not 'real time' so you will only be notified / see the message when you reload the site or do an action (such as clicking into another page) that creates a refresh.


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