What can 'Reporters' do?

Find out about the role of 'Reporter', and what they can do.


‘Reporters’ have all the basic permissions, similar to a ‘Learner’. The two main differences are that they can (1) add and edit Tasks, and (2) view, add, and edit reports on content and assessments. 

They can:

  • View content that is made visible to them.

  • View, add, edit, and delete Tasks.

  • View their own assessments View, add, edit, and delete reports.

  • View and contribute to their own 1-to-1s.

  • Add, view, and edit Objectives they set for themselves.

  • View their own user profile. 

  • View teams and groups that they’re a part of.

They can’t:

  • Add their own content.

  • Add, edit, or delete assessments.

  • Add, edit, or delete 1-to-1s.

  • Login as, add, edit or delete other users.

  • Change the page design, settings, or integrations.

  • Make, approve, or update budget requests.

If you would like to know more about the different roles and their permissions (Learner, Admin, etc…) then please click here to read the full list.