What can 'Owners' do?

What can 'Owners' do?

Find out about the role of 'Owner' and its permissions.


Owners have the most advanced permissions. They can carry out any action on the site. They can view all content and reporting on the Platform. 

They can:

  • View, add, edit, and delete content.

  • View, add, edit, and delete Tasks.

  • View, add, edit, and delete assessments.

  • View, add, edit, and delete reports.

  • View the Activity log, People log, Dashboard, and Saved Reports.

  • View, contribute to, add, edit, and delete 1-to-1s.

  • View, add, edit, and delete Objectives. 

  • View, login as, add, edit, and delete Users. 

  • Change the page design, settings, and integrations.

  • Make, approve, and update teams’ and overall budget requests.

They can't:

There is nothing that users with the Owner role can't do. 


If you would like to know more about the different roles and their permissions (Learner, Admin, etc…) then please click here to read the full list.