What are the different roles and what can they do?
In Learn Amp, there are different roles with different permissions. Find out what they do.
Learn Amp allows you to set the permissions for each user within the system. We'll explain all the different roles and the permissions they have.
Can I download this information in more detail?
Yes! You can also download a roles grid CSV here.
Please note that this is correct at the time of download - however, we will update it regularly according to system changes.
You may want to check the version you have downloaded is up to date.
‘Learners’ have the most basic permissions status. They can’t add content, and can only view what’s been made visible to them.
They can:
View content that has been made visible to them.
View their own Tasks.
View their own assessments.
View reporting on their own activity.
View and contribute to their own 1-to-1s.
Add, view, and edit Objectives they set for themselves.
View teams and groups that they’re a part of.
Add their own content as an optional feature - but this is toggled off by default.
They can’t:
Add their own content unless toggled on.
Add, edit, or delete Tasks.
Add, edit, or delete assessments.
View, edit or delete reports (other than reports of their own activity only).
Add, edit, or delete 1-to-1s.
Login as, add, edit or delete other users.
Change the page design, settings, or integrations.
Make, approve, or update budget requests.
‘Curators’ have similar permissions to a ‘Learner’ in terms of viewing. The main difference is that they can add content and assessments.
They can:
View, add, edit, and delete content and Events.
View their own Tasks.
View, add, edit, and delete assessments.
View reporting on their own activity.
View and contribute to their own 1-to-1s.
Issue out Surveys.
Add, view, and edit Objectives they set for themselves.
View teams and groups that they’re a part of.
They can’t:
Add, edit, or delete Tasks.
View, edit or delete reports (other than reports of their own activity only).
Add, edit, or delete 1-to-1s.
Login as, add, edit or delete other users.
Change the page design, settings, or integrations.
Make, approve, or update budget requests.
‘Reporters’ have all the basic permissions, similar to a ‘Learner’. The two main differences are that they can (1) add and edit Tasks, and (2) view, add, and edit reports on content and assessments.
They can:
View content that is made visible to them.
View, add, edit, and delete Tasks.
View their own assessments - view, add, edit, and delete reports.
View and contribute to their own 1-to-1s.
Add, view, and edit Objectives they set for themselves.
View their own user profile.
View teams and groups that they’re a part of.
They can’t:
Add their own content.
Add, edit, or delete assessments.
Add, edit, or delete 1-to-1s.
Login as, add, edit or delete other users.
Change the page design, settings, or integrations.
Make, approve, or update budget requests.
The HR role carries more advanced permissions. Aside from being able to add Tasks and reports, they can also add 1-to-1s and Objectives.
They can:
View content that is made visible to them.
View, add, edit, and delete Tasks.
View their own assessments (Quizzes, Exercises, and Scoring rubrics).
View, add, edit, and delete reports.
View and contribute to all 1-to-1s.
Add, edit, and delete all 1-to-1s.
View, add, edit, and delete Objectives.
View other users, teams, and groups.
Add, edit, and delete users, teams, and groups.
They can’t:
Add, edit, or delete content.
Add, edit, or delete assessments.
Login as other users.
Change the page design, settings, or integrations.
Make, approve, or update budget requests.
Admins have advanced permissions, and can do almost anything on the site.
They can:
View, add, edit, and delete content.
View, add, edit, and delete Tasks.
View, add, edit, and delete assessments.
View, add, edit, and delete reports.
View the Activity log, People log, Dashboard, and Saved Reports.
View, contribute to, add, edit, and delete 1-to-1s.
View, add, edit, and delete Objectives.
View, login as, add, edit, and delete users (please note that this setting is *Optional* and can be toggled off).
Change the page design, settings, and integrations.
Make, approve, and update teams’ budget requests.
They can’t:
Update overall Budget requests.
‘Owners’ have the most advanced permissions. They can carry out any action on the site.
They can:
View, add, edit, and delete content.
View, add, edit, and delete Tasks.
View, add, edit, and delete assessments.
View, add, edit, and delete reports.
View the Activity log, People log, Dashboard, and Saved Reports.
View, contribute to, add, edit, and delete 1-to-1s.
View, add, edit, and delete Objectives.
View, login as, add, edit, and delete users.
Change the page design, settings, and integrations.
Make, approve, and update teams’ and overall budget requests.
Aside from a user's normal role, they can have additional permissions.
Team Manager
In addition to their main role (e.g. Learner, Curator, etc), if someone is a ‘Team Manager’ they will be granted extra permissions. This mainly involves being able to add content and assessments for members of their team. In addition, they will be granted permissions not just for the teams of which they’re a manager (the ‘Parent team’), but also the sub-teams that are below the ‘Parent Team’.
For the ‘Parent Teams’ they manage and the sub-teams below them *only*, they can:
Add Tasks.
View assessments.
View reports on assessment and content.
View all saved reports.
Add 1-to-1s, and edit the ones they’ve created.
View 1-to-1s.
Add Objectives.
Make and approve budget requests.
Stand- in Manager
A stand-in manager will get full manager rights when the original manager is listed as on a break.
A stand-in manager will have full access to the original manager's direct reports' information - so please use this with caution.
The original manager will lose their rights while the stand-in is in place, and their rights will be restored to them once they're marked as active again.
Assigned surveys or 1-to-1s should be automatically passed to the stand-in manager:
If the original manager starts a 1-to-1 form with their direct report and has not completed it, and a stand-in manager is activated, the answers not be transferred, and the stand-in manager will now have to fill in the 1-to-1 instead.
If the original manager has completed their 1-to-1 form before becoming absent, their answers will remain.
The answers of the direct report will remain unaffected by any change of manager.
The stand-in manager can create observation Surveys and send them to users/teams managed.
Stand-in managers do have access to previous observations Surveys (answered by the original manager).
Observation Survey doesn't automatically pass onto the stand-in manager.
In addition to their main role (e.g. Learner, Curator, etc), if someone is a ‘Coach’ they will be granted extra permissions. This mainly involves being able to add and view content for users that they coach.
For the users they coach *only*, they can:
Add Tasks.
View assessments.
View reports on assessment and content.
View all saved reports.
Add 1-to-1s.