How to raise technical support tickets on Jira

How to raise technical support tickets on Jira

This article will guide you on how to create a support ticket on Jira and how to fill in the sections.


  1. Firstly, you’ll need to be logged into your Jira customer portal. You will then be brought to this page:


2. There will be 3 options to choose from. To raise a support ticket you will need to click ‘Support ticket’.


3. You will be redirected to a form, you will need to fill out all the required sections to be able to submit the ticket. Once filled out you will be able to submit the ticket.

How to fill out the Jira ticket sections:


  • Feature/Product in question: You will need to select the closest matching option from the drop down that matches the feature that the issue is about. For example if you aren’t able to log into the platform you would need to select the options ‘User/People management’ and ‘Permissions’.


  • Summary: You would need to write a short sentence-long summary about what the issue is. Following the example issue above of being unable to log into the platform you would need to write ‘Unable to log into the platform’. When typing in your summary suggestions will appear for some Knowledge base articles that may assist you with your issue without having to log a ticket.


  • Description: Here is where you would explain your issue in as much detail as possible including details such as example users affected (Full names and emails), if you have multiple sites then which site is this issue happening on. An example, to explain not being able to log in you would write it as ‘I’m unable to log in, I am receiving an incorrect password message. I reset my password but its not working. My email address is….’ There is also an option just under the description box where you can ‘Record a loom’ if you haven’t filmed a video already to assist with explaining the issue. The more information you can provide the easier it will be to resolve your query.


  • Attachment: This is where you would attach any images/screenshots or videos of the issue and any files relevant to the query. You can either drag and drop or browse folders on your device to add to the ticket.


  • Share with: There are two options ‘Share with Learn Amp’ this will allow other Admins in your company to see your ticket or ‘No one’ which will keep your ticket private from other admins in your company account.

Help us reproduce the issue section:


  • URL: This is where you’d input the URL for your site. If possible, its best to input the URL of the page where the issue is occurring.


  • Steps to reproduce: Here you’ll need to input the steps taken that lead to the issue. Following the example issue above you’d write - Go to log in page>insert email (your email)>insert password>click ‘log on'>Error message 'Invalid email/password’ received.


  • Browser used: You’ll need to select the browser used when facing this issue. If you’ve tried on multiple browsers please input this information into the description of your issue.




  • How many users are affected?: You will need to select the option that fits the amount of users facing this issue. The options are ‘One', ‘Several or Many’ and 'All’.


  • Priority: Here you will select the priority level you feel your ticket fits into the description of. For example if the issue is an image isn’t cropping how you’d like you may set the priority to P5 as it isn’t preventing you from using the platform and completing work, however, if your company aren’t able to log into the platform you may want to assign the priority to P1.

Please note: We may review the priority level and make adjustments based on the information provided in the ticket.


Submitting the ticket:

Once you have completed the above sections you can click ‘Save’. You will be redirected to the ticket overview where you can leave comments about your ticket and tag other admins from your company to view the ticket.

You can also track your ticket via ‘Requests’ in the top right hand corner and selecting ‘Created by me’. From here you’ll be able to view who the ticket is assigned to and the tickets status.