What is the External Contributors feature?

What is the External Contributors feature?

This article will explain what the ‘External Contributors’ feature is and how it looks on the platform.


The purpose of External Contributors is to allow for a piece of content to be associated with a member who is not on the platform, but their content is accessible on the platform.
Only admins and owners can add people under the external contributor's page, however, curators, as well as admins, can add an external contributor, when choosing who the content was created by.

You can request this feature to be switched on either by raising a support ticket or emailing success at Success@learnamp.com.

What this feature looks like on the platform

The feature option is under the People Tab in the navigation bar.

People Tab>External contributors>You will then be redirected to the below page:

Here you can see people who have been added to the company’s external contributors list. From here you can view, add and delete people.


Using this feature on content:

The purpose of this feature is to associate people (who do not have access to the platform) with a piece of content.

You can set this when editing a piece of content>clicking through to the 4th step Visibility & Permissions>under Display added by?>Tick the tick box next to Added by external user? and add the external users' name>continue to click through till you see the Done screen>The person will then be associated with the content.


Once associated the person’s avatar will then be displayed along ‘Added by’ on the content.


How to add external contributors:

To add people to this list you will need to click on Add new on the External contributor's page

You will then be directed to a form to fill in the necessary details and add a profile image.

Once those details have been filled in and you click Save the user will then be added to the list.

Please be sure that you have the individuals permission to add their details as an external contributor to be sure you are compliant.

How to delete a person

To delete a person from this list you will need to view the External Stakeholders page>Find the person you’d like to delete>Click the 3 pips along their name>Delete.


The person will then be removed from the list and all content associated with them will no longer show as Added by that user.


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