What date do 1-to-1 cycles recur?

What date do 1-to-1 cycles recur?

Find out about recurring 1-to-1 cycles.

This article will be useful if... You would like to learn more about what date 1-to-1 cycles recur on. 

What are recurring 1-to-1 cycles?

  • A 1-to-1 is a dedicated space on the calendar between employee and manager, where feedback can be given on both sides. Both the manager and the employee can answer survey questions, and the manager will be able to access performance data such as quizzes, assessments, exercises, etc. 

  • With Learn Amp, you can organise 1-to-1s and set them to recur at chosen intervals. 

  • For example, if your company has monthly 1-to-1s, you can automate this within the system so that the 1-to-1 recurs every month on a chosen date.

Let's take a look at the issuing form...

First issue date:

  • Immediately: The 1-to-1 will be issued right away

  • Set date: Select a different date than today, for some time in the future.

The first issue date is independent of the other dates.

Share and finalise by *

  • Share and finalise by *: This is the deadline date - that all parts must be filled in by.

  • This is the date that all recurrences will be set from. 

  • If a cycle is set on a 2 week recurrence, the cycle will recur 2 weeks from the original deadline (Share and finalise by *) date.


  • The 1-to-1 has been set for 16th December. 

  • The employee and the manager both have to fill in their parts by 20th December.

  • The 1-to-1 will be shared and finalised by 23rd December. 

  • The 1-to-1 is set to recur every month.

  • Recurrence is always set using the 'Share and finalise' date (in this example, 23rd December).

  • Therefore, the 1-to-1 will recur on 23rd January, and so on. 


In summary: 

  • The issue date is independent of the other dates.

  • The 'Deadline' i.e. the 'Share and finalise by' date is used as the core date that all recurrences will be based on.

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