What is sFTP and how to use it

What is sFTP and how to use it

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that allows the transfer of large data files.

An SFTP server requires both communicating parties to authenticate themselves by providing and validating an SSH key. One-half of the SSH key is stored on the computer of the two clients, while the other half is loaded on the server and associated with their account public. Only when the SSH key pair matches then authentication can occur.

What is sFTP?

  • A secure way to manage large data imports and to Learn Amp

  • Particularly useful with data migration and regular, large user imports

How to enable sFTP?

Please note, that only account Owners can manage sFTP

You can access sFTP on Learn Amp by going to the user profile icon>Company Settings>API & sFTP

Please click here for more information on how to set up sFTP.

How to use sFTP

  1. Open sFTP Client. For example - WinSCP

2. Fill in the following:

Host name: eu.sftp.learnamp.com. You can find in: Company settings>API & sFTP>sFTP>sFTP Server URL.

User name: name generated when you connected to Learn Amp. You can find in: Company settings>API & sFTP>sFTP>sFTP account username.

Private key file: click on the Advanced option>Authentication>Private key file>…>pick the file with the private key saved from puttygen

3. Login

4. Manage data

WinSCP will show your local files in the window to the left, and the SFTP server folder to the right. Simply drag your files over.

Dragging nested files into the SFTP server will not work. Instead of dragging one folder with ten files across, drag the ten individual files instead.

Once you’re connected to Learn Amp through sFTP, you can export data in the CSV format by simply dragging them to your folders.

You can also upload files to Learn Amp.