Task Imports

Task Imports

Tasks can be imported by super-admins (i.e. Learn Amp) with admin access.


If you have task data to migrate to Learn Amp, your implementation coach can assist by using our Tasks Import feature. This tool allows for bulk uploads and lets you set different start and deadline dates for individual users, aligning due dates with existing compliance schedules.

Main Features

  • Import Task Data by uploading a CSV file to Learn Amp.

  • Map Task data to any Item, Quiz, Learnlist, Channel you have created in Learn Amp.

  • Set individualised task due dates and recurrence frequencies per user.


Information that can be synced

The Task Import accepts the following columns of data:

Activity field


Activity field



Required: The user issued the task.

This is the unique identifier used to look up users while processing the import.


Required: Title of the content to task. This must be an exact match and is case sensitive.

Not required if using Source ID and Source Type.


Required: Must be one of 'Item', 'Channel', 'Learnlist', 'Quiz'. Designates the type of content the task should match to.

Source ID

Optional: If your content was imported from another system, you may have supplied a unique identifier for each piece of content. If available, this can be used rather than title as it is less ambiguous.

Source Type

Optional: Short text identifier for where this content item was imported from. If you uploaded your content in an import, you may have provided a source type e.g the name of your old learning management system. If available, this can be used alongside Source ID as an alternative to title.


Required: The highlighted section in the URL of the content to be tasked.



Required: The email address of a user in Learn Amp to be set as the task assigner.


Required: 1 or TRUE if the task is mandatory. 0 or FALSE if the task is not mandatory.

Requires Completing Again

Required: 1 or TRUE if a user who have previously completed, is required to complete the task again. 0 or FALSE if not.

Skip New Joiner Task Email

Required: 1 or TRUE to not send the user a notification about this new task. 0 or FALSE to send the user a notification.

Set from Date

Required: When the task was, or should be issued. Please use the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times should be in UTC time zone (+0).

Deadline Date

Required: When the task was, or will be due to be completed by. Deadline dates in the past, will show as ‘overdue’ once imported to Learn Amp, unless the ‘completed at’ column is also completed.

Please use the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times should be in UTC time zone (+0).


Required: 1 or TRUE if the task should recur. 0 or FALSE if the task should not recur.

Recurrence Months

Required: Specify the number of months after the previous ‘deadline date’ when the task should be due again (e.g., 12, 24, or 36 months).

If the task is not set to recur, enter 0.

Reopens before days

Required: For recurrences of this task, enter in days, how long before the deadline date should the task be issued for completion, e.g. '90' days.

Note: If the combination of ‘deadline date', 'recurrence months' and 'reopens before days’ results in a recurrence date in the past, the task will not be created. Ensure that your data is entered so that all tasks are set to recur only on days in the future.

For example:

A task set with deadline date of 1st February 2010, which recurs every 12 months, and re-opens 90 days before, will fail to recur on 1st November 2010.

A task with deadline date of 1st February 2024, which recurs every 3 years, and re-opens 90 days before, will recur successfully on 1st November 2026.

Started at

Optional: If the task has a start date/time, use this column to create a started activity. Please use the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times should be in UTC time zone (+0).

Completed at

Optional: This is a required column on the import but should usually be left blank, unless completed tasks are being imported. In which case, please use the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times should be in UTC time zone (+0). Completed tasks must have a past completion date.

Known Limitations/ Considerations

Do you need to Import Tasks? Tasks can be created directly in Learn Amp without needing a data import. When creating tasks for existing users in the platform, you can set a 'set from' and 'deadline date' for all selected users, such as those within a company, team, or group. This is useful for fixed annual compliance deadlines.

For more flexibility in due dates per user, the Task Import feature allows you to set individual due dates. This is ideal for situations where compliance deadlines vary based on each user's most recent completion of the same content.

Content Mapping: You must first create any items, quizzes, learnlists or channels that you would like to task in Learn Amp. You cannot import tasks for content which does not exist in Learn Amp.

User Mapping: You must first create user accounts in Learn Amp. You cannot import tasks for users who do not have a corresponding user account in Learn Amp.

Replace/overwrite existing data: The task import will only add new tasks. It cannot replace or update existing tasks. Once the task import has completed, only some details can be amended in-app, such as notification settings.

Recurring Tasks: Imported tasks will recur based on the ‘deadline date’ entered in the import, and at the same frequency every time, e.g. every 1st October. The date a task recurs does not get automatically adjusted by Learn Amp based on a user’s most recent completion of the same content.

Recurring Tasks in the past: If the combination of ‘deadline date', 'recurrence months' and 'reopens before days’ results in a recurrence date in the past, the task will not be created. Ensure that your data is entered so that all tasks are set to recur only on days in the future.

For example:

  • A task set with deadline date of 1st February 2010, which recurs every 12 months, and re-opens 90 days before, will fail to recur on 1st November 2010.

  • A task with deadline date of 1st February 2024, which recurs every 3 years, and re-opens 90 days before, will recur successfully on 1st November 2026.

Processing Time for Imported Tasks: When you import task data, there may be a delay before the activities are reflected in the platform logs. This delay is due to the processing time required to ensure accurate data integration. The processing time can vary depending on the volume of data being imported.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Task Import is used for creating tasks for named individuals, usually with individualised due dates based on their most recent completion, or current compliance deadline.

You can quickly create tasks for the company, teams or groups within the Learn Amp platform.

Yes, you can use the ‘completed at’ column to import completed tasks. All other required fields are still required, including the task’s set from and deadline date.

Yes, for example you could import a ‘completed’ and a ‘not completed’ task for the same user and course combination. This will create 2 separate tasks in Learn Amp, so you should not set both to recur or the user will have duplicate tasks in the future.

An imported task will show as either not complete or overdue, unless the ‘completed at’ column is filled in on the task import. Imported tasks do not look up activity records in Learn Amp to calculate a current completion status.

A CSV template is available to download from this page. Often the required data can be exported from your existing LMS or reporting platform. Other data, such as ‘slug’ or ‘title’ can be found in Learn Amp.

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