What are Quizzes and how to use them?

What are Quizzes and how to use them?

In this article, you will learn what Quizzes are and how they can be used on the platform.

What are Quizzes?

Quizzes are an assessment feature that can either be added to content to test a user's knowledge or assigned.

  • Can be added to Learnlists, Channels or can be assigned separately

  • Has 4 different types of questions you can choose from (True/False, Multiple choice, Drag & drop, and Yes/No)

You can access quizzes in the Assess tab>Quizzes,

which will then redirect you to the quiz dashboard.


Here you can view your own quizzes under My Quizzes, you can also view quizzes assigned to Teams and Groups as well as Manage Quizzes from this page.

Please note the options to view Team, Group and the Manage Quiz tab will only be available to users with certain system permissions.

How to create a Quiz?

In the top navigation bar, select theicon, go down to Assessment then to Quiz



You will then be redirected to the below page where you can input key details such as the Name of the quiz, a description, and the duration for completion.


Once this page has been completed you can then progress to the next page where you can create a Question Set for your Quiz.

To learn more about different question types, please click here.

After completing the question sets you will then be able to set rules around Quiz completion.

  • Randomise - You can choose if questions appear in a random order.

  • Set pass score - You can decide the score that's required for completion and how many attempts are allowed.

  • You can time a Quiz. If you want to know more about how to set up timers on Quizzes, please click here.

  • You can decide if previous attempts should be calculated into the final score.

On the next page, you can choose whether to assign a Certificate for completion of this Item.


If you select this checkbox, a Certificate will be automatically assigned to each learner that completes this Item.